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Category: Life

Day 142 of clapping when the plane lands

Productive day and it has the capacity to be even more so!! Let's gooooooo!! I think I completed a lot of my goals for the day! Which is pretty cool of me! We need to take the wins, all of them!

I definitely curbed my phone time though, not intentionally... I'll explain. I used my phone in the morning before school and then during school here and there and then I had art, then I went to pick up my mom and then my family wanted to shop and I was waiting in the car, I didn't use my phone because we were in a high crime area around the time when everyone gets off work so I thought if I used my phone too much, someone would see it and break my window open and grab it. The ol' smash and grab! They also do this weird thing where I live where homeless people target construction sites, usually places where houses are being renovated and when it's done is between the period of the team finishing and the people moving back in, the homeless guys just take the house for themselves. Sometimes they just live there with the actual owners without them even knowing. It's crazy. But yeah, I listened to like 2 albums back to back, about 1h30 minutes of waiting. I don't have the stats for my sceentime (im lazy to check) but I felt that was less time spent on it, yk? 

I actually finished all of my work and super early too, usually I'd still be up working but no, I'm done. It wasn't exactly a lot of work. I redid a science test btw and I improved by 10% and then I said I'd do design work but that's hoe shit, I've got a son to raise. Can you tell it's been a bad day and I had to listen to Euphoria and Not Like Us back to back, should've been Amy Winehouse back to black. Anyway, I actually had design today so I didn't need to do design work after school, I haven't drawn in a while and I need to get back into drawing faces and then experiment with some pastels. I told my teacher that I'd have all my projects done by the end of the month. Why do I do this? Call me Hamlet the way I make promises i can't keep. I wanna make something disco Elysium inspired. Yk? I'm doing caricatures and it was gonna be boring but I really want it to be disco Elysium like in coloring, I think the colouring is what helps the portraits to stand out, it's more than that and I could do a full analysis but not right now, design is not something I wanna think about too much but in short, yeah, the colouring can be really abstract which actually really adds to it and it looks almost natural actually which is so masterful that and use of shape and line too, the line is barely visible sometimes and it looks almost dreamlike, painterly because of how indistinct it is. Anyway, I also knocked out some business, I also got some of that done beforehand so it wasn't a lot. 

My phone is flat so I'm gonna read NOW. I was thinking of maybe doing a chapter a day atleast, just slow down, I'm getting burnt out here. I need to calm down and take it easy. Then I could pack it in with me to take to school but my bag is already too full. If it's not raining like it has been all week, I can take my raincoat out and put in East of Eden. My phone is flag and i forgot to charge it so I might as well knock out a chapter there while I wait. I think I've got 5 chapters left of that book because I've got other books I wanna get to as well, my first Dickens novel and this book on some African politics or something? Idk, trying to broaden my horizons, my sister actually recommended me a book about Palestine... would be cool if she could remember the name... or how the cover looked... or the author or anything about it... and i also wanna read Blood Meridian for a personal project... okay, the contents of that book suggests I'm gonna do something heinous, I just wanna try to see how Cormac rights about nature and how he contrasts his beautiful description with his grotesque ones.

Oh yeah, K-On. Why am I so persistent on watching K-On? Because I wanna review it, I've already got a great idea in the pipes. I know K-On is better than Bocchi but listen, im still allowed to enjoy it. Also, episode 5 of K-On is like the best thing ever, it's written like a nichijou episode and I laughed several times in it and it was like a gem and then the next episode was fine. Not bad, not the best either.

Anyway, let's roll! Rollinrollinrollinrollinrollin, it's getting late. Ummm... my recommendation for YOU is to support my friend who got her album on spotify, her handle is acute angel and she made an album called Makeshift angel. Go listen to it. I know I said I'd choose something you're familiar with, I lied. Go listen to her right now! She's so good at music and maybe I'm biased, okay? I don't care. She's awesome and so kind too and a witch! Oooooohhhhh spooookkkkyyyy but go listen! 

Ramble time!! So I've been thinking as a non-white individual whom some would refer to as black which is a long description but the word we use here is actually very derogatory overseas and I'm trying to be sensitive here anyway, hip-hop! I get called white washed and oreo cookie and any term you can think of, it's bad and racist, there's no way to act black or act white or act whatever race unless you clap when the plane lands, I'm sorry, that's so fucking white. Anyway I get called this often, I've come to the conclusion that it's because I'm queer, so I don't act traditionally masculine and I don't fit in with my assigned gender at birth but that's not what I wanna talk about. Hip-hop! Have you ever been like me favorite hip-hop artist is X and then someone tells you thats white. There's no way to win that. I can say JPEGMAFIA and I'll get that response BUT he hates white people!?????? What do you mean????? No matter what answer you give someone call your fav rapper "white rap" like people say that about Kendrick. Do you know why i love Kendrick so much? BECAUSE HE MADE ME FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH BEING NON WHITE! How is that white???? Huh??? Make it make sense??? So, I've thought long long hard about some rappers that won't get this white rapper remark... first of all Mach Hommy, Bruiser Wolf,  The Roots and Tribe, I cannot think of any others... I ask YOU! who's the least white rapper. Okay, also this isn't important. It doesn't matter but let's be honest, we love to dunk on annoying music nerds like this by popping out answers they wouldn't expect. Okay, goals for tomorrow!!

Read a chapter of a East of Eden!!


Edit my review!!

Play disco Elysium!!

Good night, chat! I'm gonna watch K-On now, maybe and then sleep, thank you for reading and enjoy your day!! Or night!!

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