I can't believe that slowly me and my family will meet less and less. My sister won't be the first person I greet in the morning and we'll all barely know anything about one another.
The house won't be full like it used to even when we're all there, because the same people will never be in it again. I won't be there to catch the moments where my siblings change or learn something new, they'll have someone else notice.
No one ever told me it would pass by this fast. I'll be an adult for the rest of my life and the memories of my childhood may become so sparse that it will be as if I've been aged forever. New oppurtunities they say but how far do those go?
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keep your soul young and never lose the connection with you inner child. opportunities raise and distance is inevitable but always remember you're in control of how you view each and every passing moment c: stay positive
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thanks for the kind words
by BASILmoon; ; Report