Hello! I keep intending to post on SpaceHey, but I keep forgetting.
I'm currently on a quest to clear out games from my bucket list, which is filled to the brim with cult classic games and hidden gems from the PS3 era backwards. I usually don't look forward to modern releases, but I AM looking forward to the Street Fighter 6 DLC, Fatal Fury City of the wolves, the new Zelda and Mario Party Games, and I might check out Silent Hill 2 remake. Even if it's not gonna be good, I'm pretty much addicted to the Survival Horror gameplay loop. I need to play Alan Wake 2 and alone in the Dark, but I'm the most excited to see if they're gonna announce a new Resident Evil.
Just Completed: Ace Attorney Investigations Duology
The gameplay loop of Ace Attorney and Danganronpa is addicting and fun, and I was blown away with the investigations duology. Investigations 1 has pacing issues with important characters only being introduced in the halfway mark (Teenage Kay and Lang only appear in two cases) but Investigations 2 introduces all important characters as soon as case 2, and some great ones at that. Not only that, but Edgeworth goes through a absolutely brilliant character arc. I played these two before Apollo justice. Hopefully now that 10 out of the total 11 ace attorney games are released, we can get a twelfth one. The eleventh one not released is a crossover so it's up in the air if it's gonna get a remaster. Investigations 1 is definitely worth playing through to play investigations 2 even if it's not perfect.
Currently Playing: Tales of Berseria
I usually tend to avoid RPGs like the plague because I hate turn based combat, but the Tales Series seems to be on my level. The gameplay is more like a beat-em-up, and it seems like alot of the games have brilliant characters and stories. I had issues getting adjusted to the gameplay system of Abyss on 3DS, which I originally planned to be my first tales game before I ditched it for the Investigations duology and then got Berseria on sale, but I'm adapting very well to Berseria's combat system even though I hate having to spend those star things on regular attack combos. I'm a little after the part after the "Favorable" and "Dangerous" encounters mechanic introduced, where you get the choice to tackle 3 different quests in any order. The story is brilliant, the characters are fun to watch talk and I feel like the character arcs of the third party member and Velvet are interesting in the way they bounce off of each other. I also find the lore around the Malak race very interesting. My biggest issue is the fact that they constantly tease you with Magilou joining the party, being unplayable while she's still in the party, and leaving. Otherwise, get it before July 11th please. It's only 5 dollars.
Friends vs Friends is 2.50. It's a very interesting Shooter, the cards make for very fun modifiers and make the game more on my level. I'm very bad at aiming and scanning my surroundings, but the cards let me strategize efficiently. I don't play it alot but I do play it with my boyfriend for fun.
I got Granblue Fantasy versus, even though it wasn't on sale, just for 2B. It's fun. 2B has very poor defense, but is great at neutral, and she basically plays a different game. It's way easier to get combos with her off of longer range attacks than other characters.
I've still been Grinding CVS2 and KOF XV. My team in CVS2 is currently Akuma, Sakura and Cammy in K groove, and my KOF team is Terry, Isla, and Shermie. I feel like I've been getting stronger at KOF, but I might ditch KOF for Fatal Fury because the new fatal fury seems to have very interesting mechanics and I'm a big defend of "Just Defend" Systems. Regardless, I'm getting 40 dollars for pet sitting and I'm saving that money to get the "Special Character(s)" they're going to announce for KOF at EVO. I'm hoping that the prediction that they're street fighter characters is true, I'd kill for a KOF chun li.
It's nice having so much time but I still hope I land a job soon. Hahah.
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