
two nights ago i had a dream i was back in my childhood church. I walked in and on the pews there were 637 637 637...just kinda floating around kinda like those graphics you see of text on kdramas or netflix when ppl get texts.

 I saw a few friends in hs there (they didn't grow up with me at that church). they were all wearing black. One guy was sitting next to someone who wasn't his gf anymore (they're still together irl though). Although somber, there was this welcoming feeling. I looked up at the hymn board and 143 was on there. Then i saw the hymn books opened-- two more times 143 143. 

I wasn't dead or anything but one person got up suddenly and walked up to me, eager to speak to me and right when he was gonna greet me my phone woke up me up with 3 loud buzzes. I looked at the notifications and they were texts from 3 different people. The odd part was that my phone was still on silent. My phone never buzzes when it's on silent mode. I make sure it doesn't wake me up for 8 hrs. so I can get my rest but I just thought that was really odd. The sequence of 3s. Also 637 in pager talk was "always and forever" and 143 = i love you. The person walkin up to me too...I know him but he's long gone and we haven't spoken in years. 

Maybe it's all just stuff buried in my subconscious. 

Then last night I had a dream I was on a building rooftop posing for a photographer. I was wearing an outfit i don't own -- cream colored turtle neck with a tan suede collarless jacket and i couldn't see the photographer's face. There was this unsaid relation that we were more than just photographer and muse. I kinda just felt it? I saw the photos laid out on the table of a studio or a shared space? and not one of them i can see his face. He was tan for sure and taller and black hair. The photo that stood out the most was the both of us sitting in a hot tub, him behind me and we were both submerged under water and the photo was taken from an aerial view. All i could see was the top of our heads and no faces. Then i woke up. 

grl whut. I blame Benadryl for both these dreams. Hives are not the business but hey, at least it wasn't another chainsaw chasing nightmare. 

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