TW: pimps, prostitutes, pregnant, abuse, sxlfhxrm, gore, drugs use/abuse, child neglect, sxicide, and just tons of dead dove themes
if any of those themes make you uncomfortable please don't read, or do I ain't yo mama

. Taison (meat)

. Eric (Taison's father)

. Alysha (Taison's mother)

YAYAY ok so I'm not sure where to start so ima start from the beginning

Alysha was a beautiful and lovely young woman, she had snow-white skin with sun-kissed freckles

with a soft-spoken voice he was loved by all, mostly known for her songs and movies, making a name for herself, one day while going out with some friends to celebrate, while walking to her booth her eyes would lock on this man, she was enchated by him

Eric was a tall dark-skinned man with golden fangs, piercing eyes, and a cocky smile, Eric was a drugged-up pimp, he'd look around, their eyes locking and he smiled, Alysha would continue to walk with her friends, staying in the booth as her friends went dancing, she'd sit there drinking, getting lost in her thoughts, eric would go over to her, talking to her, hed flirt and use his master manipulation skills which made her fall head over heels, she had never met someone like him, so charming and dangerous, they'd chat for hours before they left together, some time went by as they started dating, Eric got Alysha on drugs, something she had never ever tried, he'd get hooked and he used that to his advantage, he would start making her do other things like have sex with him and his friends before just pimping her out for money, it worked for a while but it ruined her, she lost her title her Fame and her fans. And one day she had found herself pregnant she begged Eric to stay with her to move away and to have a happy life, he really didn't want to or even needed her anymore but her begging and crying made him pity her so he agreed, it came with a price, for leaving the gang that he was in he had his arm removed and was jumped, he was angry, he blamed her for everything.. they'd move to  olds dal, the city of sin (my Au that ill explain in a different post) where Taison was born, in the first few years Alysha babied and cared for Taison while eric tried to ignore him as much as he could, he never held, fed or even look at him, he hated Taison when he was 5 Eric mostly "watched him" eric mostly watched his rated R movies not caring for his eyes, Taison grew up not making friends or going outside, hed always watch tv and play with toys, only in the 5th-grade hed start to go to but would be bullied, since he didn't know much he was treated like a "sped" kid, hed be in and out of school,hed become a total NEET, still being abused by his father and his mother busy still being a proatuite, when he was 14-17 he got super depressed, starting to hurt himself and get into drugs one night when he was 18 and got into a fight with his father hed lock himself in his room sh all over his body until he was numb but he still wasn't satfised.. hed grab the shot gun above his tv and try to shoot himself, he flinched at the sound of his mother coming home and blasted half of his face off permanently scarring him and ruining his handsome face,two years after him and his father got into another gun and meat had a gun threating to shoot his father but his mother got in the way getting shot.. eric ran away not wanting to be framed, meat ran away to the city, hed get jobs from gangs to do clean up work, spreading body parts all over the town

AND THATS ALL HIS LORE YAYAYA I took like 4 hours writing this, he's my favorite OC to RP with, and makes for good angsty roleplays he's so silly and autistic core, 

ugh I just realized I didn't mention the fact he has schizophrenia and attachment issues, he has a patchy elephant stuffed animal that keeps him calm and I think that all. I'll edit this more if I need to, but enjoy, give feedback and stuff :3

next I need to de a description of what he looks like 

uhm uhm , if you like angsty rolplays I'm always happy to do one but there will be hardcore themes so yesss

2 Kudos


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