I love my mom

I just woke up from a dream at 555, in my dream,

me and my mom went on a dollar tree trip and got a few things while walking back home these ugly ass kids were tryna make fun and yell at me, yelling about my tail and ears and shit, just being huge assholes, my mom ignored it at first bc I was holding my own ground yelling back bc they were first closer but they moved across the street.

but we walk past them and this park and they try to run by us again, so my mom  kinda grabs and slams a kid, also grabbing the dog they had and yelled at them before taking my hand again and walking across the street where the boys retreat to, I hear them whing and my mom had the dog for a bit before letting her go and run back, then we talked a bit

El "Aww what a cutie was he soft?" 

Mom "yeah, those kids were assholes, they were hoping you'd be scared. good job on holding your ground."

then I woke up

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