cowboysupernova's profile picture

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Category: Life

ok so life beat the shit outta me

so yeah coming back to make my grand summary of the last few months

holy fuck has my life been a fucking real active trainwreck

i've been sick twice, without internet thrice, had to basically wing my exams due to both factors

i'm too exhausted for love, too drained to really put much into creative works, and too sorta fucking out of it to deal with my social isolation

really everything is falling apart and i've chosen now to be blunt about it

didn't make honour rolls, and got one 80 amongst a fucking field of high 70s for my final grade for the semester- summer school is worse, thanks to fucking registration issues

in other words, welcome to the machine, me, for we are now entering hell

so there's an update to this blog- sorry i've been so radiosilent and sorry i haven't talked to anyone here in a hot while

life has been beating my ass non stop since at least late april

i am on a downward spiral, and i only intend to either get back up or go deeper

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Edi's profile picture

I'm so sorry you're struggling with life, while I don't know your personal experience, I am also struggling with life in general, just know you are not alone.

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