It's been a while since I wrote on here!!!
Its so weird logging back on. Its a bit of a time capsule, like before exams and before D got back in touch with me and before I had my second year house sorted out and everything.
What's been on my mind? I've just finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy, absolutely beautiful - it really did rewire my brain. Much more conventional than Outer Dark -- still beautiful though and still has that hard, true quality to it. It really is true.
I keep trying to write more but my parents keep asking me what I'm writing gahhhh my life is so hard.
See, this is exactly what McCarthy was writing about - what if I had no-one? Then I wouldn't be complaining about my parents asking me about what I'm writing. You don't realise what a scarce resource human company really is - and you also don't realise that literally the only thing you can do to make it less scarce is just love people. You can have people around you without loving them and without them loving you, but it doesn't feel like you really have them, does it?
It's all about loving people. That's like pretty much the only thing that keeps us living.
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