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Category: Life

the trenches?

truthfully despite my fuckin whimsy everything SUCKS! between the ass-backwards hormonally intersex driven dysphorias and literal starvation and constant likeĀ  ptsd moments its just. bad! everything is. and yet, my beloved friends are just so lovely and help me out so much in morale and finances and happiness and ill love em all forever.
despite that uhmmm....... i think im havin an okay time :P
mentally at least
everything is so hopeless and helpless and yet i persist onwards, gotta commend myself for the strength lol

thats all i guesssssssss................. toodafuckinloo

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mrfoxon's profile picture

a nice thing to come to terms with is that a lot of things actually do just fuckin suck, but that it's completely okay for things to suck. good and bad things coexist and it isn't exactly a point system, gotta respect getting by just for the sake of it haha, doesn't matter how good you are at it as long as you're still kicking

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thank u for your input youre right its okay that things suck. what im experiencing isnt really *okay* cuz no human should be almost homeless and in weeks long starving periods, but like. it isnt my fault or anyone near and dear to me its just something i cant control (systematic corruptions)
so best thing i can do is keep going while holding my friends hands and smile at things i enjoy n shit ya

by roxanne; ; Report

yeah there definitely are a lot of things that aren't okay out of general people's control. it's ridiculous how many people are forced into unlivable circumstances, especially given how it's near impossible to get a home right now unless you're lucky enough to already live somewhere or inherit a property, current generation of young adults kinda got fucked right over there. i'm glad you're able to find silver lining given how bad your situation seems though and hope things get better in the future, you got this

by mrfoxon; ; Report

thank you sm :'))))

by roxanne; ; Report