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Category: Writing and Poetry

Wars, Girl

Body bed imprints of single girlhood 

but instead of 20 year old bones 

it’s now 30. 

The music has transcended 

to a higher priesthood, 

it’s all there on your receipt. 


naivety coins earned and then exchanged 

for momentary lapses of stick poke grief 

and an extended stay at a mattress king

terrarium where things don’t always grow as intended. 

The girl down the street 

was easier, 



a fuck worth the 6 month status update. 

Just an old hag forever 

lamenting on girlhood. 

When things were felt more ferociously 

and worth writing down. 

Girls with a shared first name 

pulled together 

to accost cheery html of teenage internalized misogyny 

and lonely. 

Wars were quicker to end. 

Insta white flag

for the here and now 

of softly rotting.

10 Kudos


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Judah's profile picture

ooh, nice!!

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by Kathleen; ; Report


ⒶndyⒶnarchy's profile picture

I know I do this all the time, and it probably gets old. But whether it's your intention or not, one only needs to REALLY read your words and swish them around in their brain, like what a fine wine snob does when sipping from a new bottle, to see that there is so much more to your collection of words than what's on the surface. I dunno if it's my current shitty mental state or what, but "...an extended stay at a mattress king terrarium where things don’t always grow as intended." and "Insta white flag for the here and now of softly rotting." struck a very sensitive nerve. This is probably my favorite. Although that's nearly impossible to choose. You need to do poetry readings.... seriously.

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Well I kind of agree with you this time around but only because this time I got stuck in feelings overdrive and struggled a lot to get this out and an element of “try” ended up happening unexpectedly because fucking damn it I need to be heard somewhere…and losing your words, well fuck, that’s it then, isn’t it?

I am in a HORRIBLE fucking mental state as you know, too. We are thee pair of earrings at the drag show. What am I saying? Sober living sucks.

by Kathleen; ; Report

Well your struggle turned into a goddamned diamond and you've def made yourself heard. But I know you'd like it to reach more people, and so would I.

Pair of earrings at the drag show.. jfc, you just don't stop pumping shit out, do you?!

by ⒶndyⒶnarchy; ; Report

I want all the drag costume jewelry but as you know, that will NOT be happening any time soon.

by Kathleen; ; Report