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Category: Friends

how do i make my friends closer to me irl?!

i've joined 5 different schools in the past, in which i've had a different personality in each. i've joined a new school, and i have many friends. from primary school and new friends. 

i've always been the quiet, reserved kid when i was younger. not many people knew me, but i had a few close buddies. i was born as the intorverted, shy one, and not many people liked what i liked. they were "normal", basic, outgoing and confident. i was an outcast and a weirdo.

i was the opposite of them. i was not confident at all; i never took any opportunities that life offered me, i let people walk all over me, i didnt socialize either.

since i had no experience in talking to other people normally, i always blushed in embarassment when i did. which has made me even more insecure. its one of my worst problems. a problem always leads to a bigger one.

despite me knowing that i was openly shy, i still absolutely hated being called quiet. i wanted to make a change. i envied the popular girls who talked to everybody. they were happy, brave, and pretty. 

so when i joined another new school, i decided to start talking more, getting out of my comfort zone. a refresh. i had done well; i made myself known, i became an average person in life.

but being somebody who always wants to be more than average, i still need to improve more.

right now, i'm in highschool. i'm an over-average student, getting mostly all A's. many of my teachers think of me as well behaved and reserved, because i dont talk in class or raise my hand to answer questions.

as i said before, i hated being the quiet, behaved, shy kid. this results of me taking telling-offs as a compliment. so whenever a teachers calls me "chatty" or "loud" or "really annoying", i feel proud. i feel proud that atleast some people see the side of me that i'd rather show.

i've tried my hardest to become well known in my year group. i'm making progress, as some people told me "wow, so many people know you! you seem popular". i befriended all of the girls in my year.

but i'm still depressed. "why though?" you might say, "you have so many people to talk to!". a friend to all is a friend to none. 

so many of my friendships aren't close. i've always had a bestfriend to rely on since i was young, so its hard to cope without one now. 

there are more problems related to my social life, but school friends are one.

please help!!!

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Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

Something that may help is to figure out what your goal is for making a friend.
There are many kinds of friends and different people will fill out each role differently, and you need to figure out which person fits where.

I know it sounds like an ulterior motive, but it's just how it works. If you want to find a life partner, you will have different criteria than a homie who sits on your couch and plays Co-Op Halo, you know?

At the same time, you also have to figure out what you can give to another person as well. If you don't have either something in common or a way to fill in something they're lacking, then you may have a hard time making the other person a friend.

To some people, this comes naturally, but as an autist, I really had to study it and lay it out like a big ol math problem.

Be patient with yourself. You're still young and can make risks without it affecting your life that much.

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tysm!! ill make sure to keep this in mind :D

by sykeou; ; Report

You're welcome, kiddo.
Go out there and do your best :3

by Dart Highwind; ; Report