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Category: Blogging

da joys of the gr8 wide world

had a blast yesterday actually out n abt in the world. truth be told im not much of a goin-out person like nimbus is :\
id rather do it with friends n shit than like, alone like a creep just 2 go hiking n shit which NOTHING WRONG W/ THAT but like, it isnt my jam.........
uh some diff unrelated shit thats probs tmi or like "triggering" is like, whenever i look in the mirror i freak the fuck out cuz it isnt me
the long beautiful curly locks in the mirror arent mine....nor is the body, or the face- those are brads n nimbus's
and its not like i can do anything abt it clothes can even save me cuz again i dont have anything "appropriate" for me its just nimbos fucking OLD MAN CLOTHES ugghghhh
and my art... it isnt as good as nimbus's either :\ which makes me sad tbh
but i will say after a shower i pep talked the fuck outta myself and was like
okay some shit u cant change(body, clothes IM POOR) but the shit u CAN can get better(art)?! which is nice man im a good nurturer;)
anyways ya thats the upd8 for today ALSO everyone should eat mimosa flowers theyre sooo sweet yum yum

0 Kudos


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