dear mom

dear mom, please stop refusing to ask for help. i have offered to do countless things for you and yet you still pretend that i dont want to help you. i try my hardest to do everything to make you happy, but if you feel this way then I guess im not as good of a son as i thought i was. em, youre so fucking stupid. i am here for you mom, i alwyas have been because of what dad was doing to us. but you just seem to refuse to ask for help and you pretend that you get offered no help and i just have to listen to you mope abt how we dont help you cuz we dont want to. the fuck? i love you mom but you cant keep acting like this. i know how you feel when youre a single parent with a teachers salary and stuff like that. THATS WHY I OFFER TO HELP YOU SO MUCH. ive tried to be understanding but even from a struggling prospective, this is bullshit of you to act like you have no help while its dancing infront of you.

2 Kudos


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