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Category: Life

Kandi and Pride

Being perpetually stuck in the house means I need to find more things to do with my time. Which means taking up new hobbies! Or, well, realizing an old hobby is something specific. I've been making pony bead bracelets for years, but never realized it was kandi making at its base form. I am simply a goofy goober. But along with realizing that, I've dug deeper into the culture as well as the types of kandi, and it has been so much fun! My hands aren't the best, so I do need to go with simpler patterns, but either way it's still plenty of fun.

And to go with pride month, I've been trying to read up on some queer history to better educate myself. It's hard for me to stay focused reading for long (damned ADHD,) but I'm trying my best! I've been reading From Gay to Z, and while the format is a bit fucky for my brain, it's still a fun read. But aside from history, I've also been reading a trans based horror, Manhunt. It's gory and heavy and so god damn good. It's main characters are two transwomen, a transman, and a ciswoman. It's the apocolypse, and too much testosterone in your system means death. In a world where "only women are left," TERFs are your greatest ally and your worst enemy, all in one shitty package. It's taking me forever to finish because again ADHD, but it is one of my favorite books of all time and I cannot reccomend it more to those who can read it.

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