From time to time I peruse the blog section of this site, after the last few gore account raids I've seen a few notable of examples of people bitching and moaning about "the mods not doing their jobs". I believe this comes from a place of complete and total ignorance as to how moderation on social media sites works.
Lemme lay it out for ya.
First off, there's a finite number of mods on any site - because who in their right mind wants to sit all day and scroll through reports the moment they flood in for any reason? Even if you're getting paid (most mods do it for free) - it's still probably dull as dirt. Nonetheless, they still find time to do it, eventually.
There used to be a time and a place online where all moderation was done by human beings. Human beings are limited in their capabilities and efficiency - they need to sleep and set aside time for their actual lives. This was what created the drive to moderate all shit online with robots and algorithms.
In other words - the only options available are outsourcing moderation jobs to third worlders getting paid pennies, who often times don't understand the rules they must enforce, creating a bot to autoban people that will be incredibly faulty for years and create several more problems than it solves - or a third solution; understanding that mods are people and sometimes they fuck up or are asleep in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The amount of vitriol I see getting flung this way and that from people who I wager are too young to remember a time when bans didn't happen near instantly upon mass reportings - who would seek to advertently or inadvertently change SpaceHey into the same shithole they crawled out of (TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) - is annoying as shit, and honestly makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm no stranger to gore and the like - I used to post all of my videos on VidLii and that site is nothing but reuploads of mass shootings and Mexican cartel videos - but holy shit. You want the gore accounts to stop posting? Stop giving them attention.
Your actions have consequences, look down the road and see where that road's gonna take you.
Also fuck backseat moderators - it ain't your fucking job to play InterNet vigilante - take a step off that high horse and smell the roses a little.
Going To Bat For The Mods
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