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Category: Blogging

6/14/2024- blog 4 Circumstance Narcoleptic

Morning entry (thats a new one):

Wake up in the morning, try to at least, sibling's award ceremony is in the AM rather than PM but no one clarified me of this till the day of. But I got to shower before everyone else and try the new shampoo and conditioner- my step sister nagged me about how every brand I was using at the time was damaging and to get all new products. I reluctantly caved and even more reluctantly admit she was very much right. The new products are much nicer.

Busy morning, not much time to eat or drink.

I was painfully reminded why I was nominated "Most Likely to Fall Alseep in Class" during my highschool days. I swear there must've been something in the air of the highschool because I could barely keep my head up for five minutes. My eyesight was bugging out constantly trying to focus and my neck kept snapping back up throughout the whole ceremony.

Maybe it's some kind of circumstance-only narcolepsy. Or maybe hearing my old teachers call announcements again triggered my brain to instantly shut off to protect itself from hearing them again.


Afternoon entry:

I took a nap immediately after the ceremony and I still feel exhausted. Granted its the first time I've woken up so early in a while, but I am very much ready to close all the blinds and go right back to sleep.

Wait no I should eat and pack first.


Back at dad's, he seems to be in a good mood, I am spared for today.

His girlfriend is refusing to teach me how to operate the dishwasher- which is weird. Always complaining about doing everything but never wanting me to help or teaching me her preferred settings for the washing machine and dishwasher.

I am painting my nails to try and stop biting them. I have started with black but might go over it with a green or blue shimmer. When they are longer I will start keeping a file on hand and painting them white. I like a pearl-white color when they're longer.

my other favorite polish color is a metallic teal. A drunk guy helped me pick it out. When I'm not sure about color or clothing choices I ask strangers for help. I feel it's a weird habit but I like feedback.

I found a new music artist I like. Here is the link, please comment if the link is broken.

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Never Dull on spotify


Evening entry:

We had corn with dinner. It was really sweet and tasty but then I got a horrible stomachache, like stabbing sensation feeling.

Dad then told it was from LAST SUMMER.

it had been in the freezer, but if there was any power outages throughout the year it could've messed with preservation.

Watched Dungeon Meshi with my partner. She isn't able to call me much, she's very busy with computer science summer classes so I only get to call her once a week, but I'm happy she still works hard to free up time to spend with me.

0 Kudos


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