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Category: Friends

My best friends best friend

did any1 notice the type o negative reference in the name?(My Girlfriend's Girlfriend!!!!!) probably not but wtv, this is abt MY best friends best friend because its been on my mind, shes always been friends with this other girl and idk i cant help but feel jealous,,, i hate it. i feel guilty for it. they should be able to hang out and have fun with out me feeling that way, but ofc they dont know bc what kind of person would i be if i said "bruh why u 2 always hanging out i hate it,,, its like u dont liek me anymore!!" ughh i wish i didnt feel that way but they always seem so close like she wasnt MY best friend. i feel liek she only hangs around me anymore because im the most decent person in the class and get her friends, idk why i didnt predict this, this other girl is more fun then i am, she has a more similar interests and a better personality. god i hate it, i hate people, i hate how everything works out to be. im moving to a new school after this year anyway, not that i want to move but maybe itll be better, i wont be in the way, its probably gonna be better with out me for everyone. she wont have to force herself to like me or anything nd idk,,, maybe ill make friends or maybe ill end up as a lonely fucking outcast for the rest of my teen years, itll be all wasted away because im such a fucking loser, i can barely see ewhat im writing my tears are in the way, i hate the thought of the future, i dont see a future for myself after the age of 17, idk why, why im like this, why my friends are liek this, why life is like this, why i bother at all. idk sometimes i think im not a people person but then again i crave trust and appreciation from others so much. i wish i didnt need people, i wish i was lke those badass character on video games that act like the dont need anyone but themselves but im really not. this whole situation jsust proves how replaceable i am. im always temporary. i have no one there from the start and no one will be there in the end.

-sorry i jumped through i few unrelated topics mb

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