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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

The Ultimate Guide For Dieting [Healthy and Unhealthy] (DNI IF IN RECOVERY)

I'll update this frequently! 

P.S If this stuff triggers you, please close this blog. This is for people who want to lose weight quickly and efficiently. I am not responsible for your triggers and have put a warning in the title as well. What you click is your responsibility.

  1. Water is your best friend.
  2. Black pepper, herbs and spices are your friend.
  3. Oils, carbs and fats are your enemy; avoid cooking with oil because a tablespoon is already over 100 calories)
  4. If you want to eat carbs, eat rice cakes or anything that is low/very low.
  5. Prunes and kiwis make you shit.
  6. Don't restrict 100% yourself from sugars or snacks; buy low-calorie ones like skinny bars (that's what I do)
  7. Exercise is good, but always be in a calorie deficit (so far, I'm around 700)
  8. Shaving, doing your hair, painting your nails—somehow beauty keeps me motivated to be skinny and look pretty.
  9. Sugar-free gum is the best.
  10. Take vitamins if necessary - they can give your body a boost without the added calories
  11. Prepare meals at home to have better control over ingredients and portions. Not only will you practice cooking, but you can also feed yourself and family too.
  12. Protein is a must to keep yourself full. Chicken breast, prawns, ham...
  13. Also, Twitter—that shit keeps me motivated.
  14. Supersize vs superskinny, 600-pound life—any of those shows make me feel sick and keep me at bay.
  15. If you need to smoke, cigarettes are better than vapes.
  16. If fasting, make sure you drink electrolytes; water is the only drink that won't spike your glucose.
  17. Fitbits are your best friend, so always walk, and any exercise WILL burn calories. 
  18. Stairs! If you want to get a kick of exercise, use the stairs instead of the elevator/lift.
  19. Sleep is so important! So sleep for 8+ hours if possible.
  20. Fruits and veggies! Mix them with fat-free-yoghurt, cottage cheese...whatever you like!
  21. Hobbies to distract yourself from eating.
  22. Collagen! (Now that's my secret, XD, so don't tell anyone, but this will keep your bones, skin, hair and nails healthy, even if in a deficit!
  23. Patience is key and even if you gain, never give up. Consistency is key.
  24. Going to bed hungry works! So make sure to leave some space.
  25. Track your progress with an app or food diary. (The app I use is 'Casual Dieting' by Kanahei). Same with weight, calories and steps.
  26. Avoid salt or limit it.
  27. Take the longer route if walking. Getting 10,000 steps a day is always a brilliant goal.
  28. Take your time to chew food well, which aids digestion and helps you eat more slowly.
  29. Have one or two meals a day (skip either breakfast, lunch/dinner - I skip lunch because I work early in the morning so I need the morning fuel) and make sure to calculate your meals before eating them so you don't overeat.
  30. Look after your hair and mouth; that's what most people will notice first. So put on hair masks, brush your teeth (no, toothpaste doesn't have calories), and look after yourself. (Ironic, isn't it.)
  31. Try not to purge; it makes your face swollen and damages your teeth.
  32. If you binge, forgive yourself and try to eat less the next day. However a good way to flush out your system is drinking water (slowly!) and doing some light exercise. It's like a mini detox - and peppermint tea does wonders if you become very bloated.
  33. Don't drink alcohol; it is high in calories, and drinks like beer will make you fat. If you want to use up your calories with it, drink something like gin or vodka.
  34. If you don't know how many calories it has, don't eat it. The same with if anyone offers you food. Unless you know exactly how much and if it fits within your deficit, then you can have it.
  35. Drink water with your food, and eat slowly. That way, you'll get full quicker. Alternatively, you can drink water 30 minutes before your meal to prevent overeating.
  36. If you work in a kitchen or a place that sells food, either eat the healthiest option or completely avoid it. There's a high chance that there will be oils, sauces and fats within the meal, even if it is classed as "healthy".
  37. If it is exam season, please eat more. I know you'll want to be thin, but exam results occur once, and losing weight can be done at any time in your life.
  38. If you're on your period, please eat more OR don't do any fasts. Your body is at its most vulnerable, and you'll need that energy and nutrition. If you want a lighter flow, drink plenty of water.
  39. Grosspo, meanspo - whatever puts you off food, try it and see if it works for you.
  40. STAY AWAY from people who give you food/encourage you to eat unhealthily. If they don't respect your choice of diet, leave them.
  41. Buy smaller clothes for inspiration and motivation.
  42. Watch documentaries, shows, and movies about weight loss and weight gain to keep you motivated/inspired.
  43. REWARD yourself when you lose weight. Don't reward yourself with food but instead, of things you like (skincare, makeup, games, books, clothes, electronics...) and have mini goals as well to keep yourself motivated. 
  44. Use smaller plates to help control portion sizes and prevent overeating.
  45. Weigh your food - ALWAYS. Every gram and calorie is worth knowing so it can be an accurate total.
  46. Reduce or completely avoid processed foods. This includes foods that have added sugars, unhealthy fats and preservatives.
  47. Stick to your grocery list and avoid shopping when hungry to prevent impulse buys of unhealthy foods. 

  48. Healthy foods aren't that expensive! Buying in bulk is a great way to save on essentials like grains, beans, lentils, and nuts. Frozen and canned options can be cheaper than fresh produce and have a longer shelf life. Opt for low-sodium canned vegetables and fruits canned in juice instead of syrup. Buying store branded items can also be beneficial too - and there's always offers and discounts on fresh veg and fruit!

  49. Cooking at home is generally cheaper and healthier than eating out, and taking advantage of discounts, coupons, and sales can help you stock up on healthy staples. Growing your own herbs, vegetables, and fruits can save money and provide fresh produce if you have the space. Or, if you'd prefer, support your local grocer and buy their produce instead.  

  50. Try to drink 2L of water a day. Helps with metabolism, keeps you fuller and makes your skin clear.

  51. Eat more fiber! Beans, fruits and vegetables keep you fuller for longer.

  52. Seasonal eating -  Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season for better flavor, nutrition, and cost-effectiveness. This is definitely useful if you're struggling with finances, but still want to eat healthy.
  53. Avoid trigger foods - Stay away from them as it will tempt you to eat.
  54. Be mindful of your caffeine intake! It can affect your sleep and stress level, making you bloat and impacting on your health and progress.
  55. Avoid eating late at night. I have my last meal at 4am and my last food item (if still hungry), at max 6am. This helps aid digestion and prevents late snacking.
  56. Stay educated! Learn about calories, foods, nutrition and anything that will help with your weightloss. Read articles, books, about people's experiences...
  57. Tea - especially herbal tea, is so good! I drink green tea in the morning and peppermint tea at night. You can have coffee (if you prefer), but avoid adding sugar and use sweeteners instead! (Also tea and coffee are natural suppressors.).
  58. If you want a nice, cold, bubbly drink without worrying about too many calories, try Coca-Cola Zero, Pepsi Max, and Monster Ultra (white or pink). But don't drink too much, as it can make you bloated.
  59. Intermittent fasting is really good - especially if you want to reset your metabolism and manage your weight. 16/8 is a really good one for beginners, as well as a liquid fast. Build slowly up to the point where you can reach a dry fast for more than 24 hours.
  60. Never have second servings of food - learn to say no to it.
  61. Cravings! Sugar cravings- opt for flavoured water with very low calories or herbal teas with a splash of lemon/sweetener. Fruits as well can help massively, as well as some nuts or peanut butter. (Not my thing at all, but if it works for you, then go for it!) For other cravings, go for low calorie snacks such as air-popped popcorn, hummus with veg, dark chocolate, frozen grapes, milkshakes (made from low calorie milks and fruits!), rice cakes, air-fried sweetpotato chips...)
  62. To lose weight - eat until your a bit hungry left. Then stop. To maintain weight, eat till your nearly satisfied.
  63. Be mindful in what you eat. Pay attention to what and how you eat it, and avoid distractions like TV or phones during meals.
  64. Plan and prepare your meals in advance to avoid making unhealthy food choices.
  65. Opt for baking, grilling, steaming, or boiling instead of frying.
  66. Sharing is caring! If you do not want to eat all of your food, you can offer it to your friends and family. Less calories will be consumed and if they're hungry, they'll be grateful. But if you'd rather not give food away, leave it, and eat it at another time if possible.
  67. Experiment with recipes - Trying new healthy recipes or finding some will keep you not only entertained, but can also teach you different ways of eating foods from other cultures as well.
  68. Learn about your body! So many people never listen to their bodies, but if there's a diet or a certain food that makes you ill or doesn't help you lose stubborn fat/ bloating, then avoid it and try a new diet. Everyone's body is different!
  69. Take pictures for progress. You might think the scale is still the same, but chances are you're turning that fat into muscle. And the toner you are, the thinner you'll look.
  70. Avoid looking at influencers. "HUH?" I know what you're thinking, but most of these influencers that you see are full of surgery and botox. They don't actually represent the reality of losing weight without cosmetic procedures. If you want true inspiration, look at naturally thin girls, boys, or models from the 90's/2000s. 
  71. "2000/2500 calories is bullshit." Everyone's height is different. If you're shorter, you'll need fewer calories to consume, or else you'll gain weight. Use a BMI calculator and calculate how much you need to eat per day (depending on physical activity, of course!) This, however, does NOT apply to anyone who's athletic/exercises a lot. In that case, you'll need to eat around the 2000 marker or more.
  72. You do not need to go to the gym. I get told a lot that people are paying loads of money to get a membership. You can run outside, go for a walk, go to your local swimming pool, play with your friends... There's many places of activity you can do and there's plenty of videos online showing home exercises. Alternatively, you can buy your own equipment and use it instead, making a gym of your own and getting those muscles that you want - for a lot cheaper!
  73. Get a good scale. It can change massively how much you actually weigh.
  74. Make friends. This seems random, but you'll feel isolated if you don't go to any social events. (You'll likely decline, especially if food is involved.). Meet people with similar interests and dieting tips, and help each other with weight loss.
  75. For my binge eaters, always do a swap with healthy snacks compared to full-sugar ones. Replacing them will not only make you consume fewer calories, but you'll also feel less guilty when doing so. However, if you feel like you're going to binge, do a few of the tips from this list before indulging in food. (I know it's hard.)
  76. I don't condone purging, but laxatives (in my opinion) can be used if, A, you haven't been to the toilet for more than 3 days, and/or B, you have binged heavily.
  77. Learn what motivation works for you. If you're into harsh motivation, find forums, images, and sites that have it. If you prefer to work alongside with somebody, then do so. Never let motivation get away from you.
  78. Sauces! Make sure you always buy the light version and never the full-fat version. Same with your cheeses and any dairy.
  79. Do not diet until you're over 18 OR if you need to do (if told by doctors.) Before then, you're still growing, and you'll need the nutrition for it. Once you cannot grow anymore, THEN you can go on a diet.
  80. And never go on a diet if someone tells you to. (Unless you're obese, then understandably, that is for a health matter.) Let alone THIS diet. Always do it when you're ready for it and if you, and only you, want to do it. If not, you'll likely relapse and have a binge and restrict diet which not only will damage you physically but also mentally.
  81. If you experience any heart palpitations, back ache... any severe health problems - STOP. Every human has a limit, and if it is starting to affect your health, then please, stop.

11 Kudos


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