๐Ÿ’š diary #3 โค๏ธ 6/3/2024 ๐Ÿ’š

song: sweater weather - the neighborhood
mood: anxious

wow i actually wrote more than two days in a row!!! new record!!!

since i got up at 10:30 today since going to bed at 3 am AGAIN, i'm hoping i'll actually sleep by midnight. i'm gonna make a real effort. since it's like 9:15 rn (time to roll in mudae) i'm hoping to be in bed, reading a book, by 11

anywho i got more friend requests today from some neat people.. hi everyone !!!

i played a lot of petz 4 today too but only for like...... 15-20 minutes at a time. the game doesn't stress me out, i'm just confused, and there's like NO guide online to explain anything. i found some youtube videos made by a nice lady though so i saved those

here's a link to my post talking about petz 4!!

ohh great my bf just messaged me on discord............ nice

my best friend/roommate broke up with her TERRIBLE boyfriend today which i guess is eventful. he was an awful person. one time, me, her, him, and my "bf" went rollerskating together since she's an ice skater, and also enjoys roller skating. Well we were at it for like 45 minutes and then he wanted to go home TO MY HOUSE and watch a movie. and once we were there, he didn't want to talk to me or my "bf." he also said and did a lot of horrible nasty things to her and he's just awful. he lives in the big city two hours from us and MADE HER DRIVE THE TWO HOURS FROM MY HOUSE TO HIS HOUSE TO BREAK UP WITH HER

last night me and poppy talked about our own experiences with men and how we feel about them and how both of us feel zero attraction to them. i said i'm a lesbian in my profile, and i'm questioning it rn, but every day i hear about guys like him and every day i see guys and i just don't feel attracted to them. like, i like how they look sometimes... but i can't see myself beinghappy in a relationship with one. and i'm supposed to be rn but i don't like it , and having dated mostly men i can recall just being happy with one. i don't think any of that was a gender thing though

the other thing that makes it odd is that i'm fine with androgynous presenting folks as well, but any mascunline presenting/aligned gender just throws me off.ย  so sayingi'm a lesbian doesn't seem to work either since i'd be fine with someone who is nonbinary or a demigirl or agender or something like that

anyway, i finished my layout. it's not PERFECT, but it's pretty cute. i was able to go to the deltarune website and actually look at the code to get stuff like the background and fonts which...... feels unethical and creepy but you can do it to literally any website so??????

ย i got to be home alone today too even though it was for an hour. i didn't do anything cool though. and my sister was there

oh yeah,ย  i got a character in mudae i really wanted today !!!!!! i'm really happy about it, now i need to get her girlfriend. i literaslly gasped when she appeared it's kind of funny

as for minecraft server news..... ray got kicked off the team i think, just for being inactive, phos just dipped straight up, and rory/snow is making some teasers for all of our god-characters. his idea for mine is having a little kid draw a picture of her, and then my character asks to see it. she's the goddess of light and i based her on adora from she-ra a lot lol

my introduction is really unique, most people have stained glass posters or something

also ray has literally done nothing for the new server, they did SOME stuff on the old server but we shut down and they've just been MIA

something else.... since BD is stepping back from owner stuff for a little bit, moon wants to make rory or justin the other co-owner. and i feel a little jealous/sad. i guess justin makes sense because he's our only coder since fe got kicked off . but i've been staff longer than BOTH of them and i was responsible for the other server's rennaissance . i did almost ALL the community stuff and ran the art contests andjust idk. It's whateverย 

i dont' do much anyway. i am terrible at confrontation and would rather let people walk all over me than say anything. and it's not worth it anyway. i don't wanna cause any drama especially since poppy won't join the team bc of justin being there and fe just got kicked off.ย 

i think it's funny that ray AND fe were both the nature god and just got kicked off. it's almost like a curse. we interviewed egyptian sunstone to be the afterlife god/staff and she's sweet but man.....

my sister might end up being nature since our only musician left and she has FL studio. she'd get on by straight neopotism

my parents bought malt milkshake and vanilla ice cream to eat with peach cobbler after the hot dog dinner we had. and it was pretty good, but i don't like eating fruit with candy or ice cream or cake. it always doesn't work and is just sour ughkmgkf

oh, apparently i'm in a minecaft murder mystery game with a youtuber? his name is just Jeff and he has a special red youtube name so that's neat. someone else recognized my user as being from amphibia and my skin from deltarune ANDDD they had an owl house username so i think we're gonna get married

my class starts tommorrow and i have to go toalk to my teacher for an exception to get in. i'm really anxious but i have a cute outfit picked out so maybe it won't be all bad

okay !! i'm done rambling !! thanks for reading <3 byeeee!!

ย skyย ๐ŸฆŒ๐Ÿ””โค๏ธ

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birby (autoplay)

birby (autoplay)'s profile picture

as someone who has had every single lgbtq microlabel embossed into their collective brain, some more obscure orientations that might work for you are finsexual, proquasexual, lunaric, or femsexual! hope this helps!

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oh my GOSH!!! thank you !!!! :0
i really appreciate it this !!! thanks <3

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report