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the petz 4 / cat petterz 2 experience🦌🌲

yesterday in my diary i said i was going to play petz catz 2 and research what the heck popup references.

[id: idle battle animation gif of pop-up from deltarune. /end id]

well i didn't do EITHER OF THOSE. instead, i was up until 3 last night playing and installing THE ACTUAL PETZ that cat petterz references

[id: ad/banner for the game Catz. the upper text says "Now you can download your feline friends for FREE!" The bottom text says "All the benefits of pets without feeding or vacuuming." /end id]

i guess it isn't EXACT since it wasn't petz 2 but petz 2 is literally a widget and petz 4 is apparently the best and it's an actual game. i thought i'd document what i've been doing on it and how it's been going . and i guess i'll pick up petz catz 2 because i do have it

upon loading the game you are faced with the adoption center which allows you to pick two dogs or cats to start out with. there's a bunch of different breeds like persian cats (which come with bows) and russian blue cats, and dalmatian dogs and like. uhh I don't remember any more of the dog breeds. i'm a cat person so i only got cats

anyway, i got a girl russian blue (since she was the first animal to crawl out) and a little boy tuxedo cat. my friend poppy was there when i adopted them and she said to name the girl glitter magic (after my glitter force oc i made when i was 11) so i named her magic. the boy is named biscuit. I don't know why I picked that name i think I did because it sounded cute??????

i want to rename them and i'm not sure if i can but it's okay, they're adorable. At least as adorable as you can get when made out of balls?

[id: two cats from petz 4. the grey cat on the left is posed as if curious, the black and white cat has a stance and expression of determination. the black+ white cat is holding a cat toy in its mouth. /end id]

magic is on the left and biscuit is on the right

magic is very sweet but she's scared of like everything. she LOVES to attack mice though and eat leftovers. there's a leftovers plate you can get from the toy closet and so far she's liked that the most

biscuit is a huge jerk to magic and he's really aggresive and complains a lot. i can't tell if some of his meows are angry or not sometimes? he also gets jealous easily. but his favourite toy is that little bouncer thing and he LOVESSS drinking from the bottle he's like a baby

i dont' think that will last long though, since the animals start out as kittens. they're really clumsy as kittens and have specific kitten meows. then they can grow up and maybe breed if you want

i'm not sure if i really want that though lol. at least not yet. there's a little love perfume you can buy to make them fall in love in the toy closet. the toy closet has more than just toys, it has food, water, milk bottles, pillows, and even decorations for your house. the decorations are pretty lackluster, but you can mod in more toys and things like outfits as well. 

there's a little menu that looks like a house/briefcase that follows you around in every room. the petz come out of the dog door at the bottom and there's buttons that will take you to different scenes like your living room, kitchen, backyard, toy closet, and some weird ones like a snow scene, the beach, and desert area???

every area is WAY more interactive than you'd think, i haven't really explored it all yet because i'm trying to figure out HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THESE CATS

[id: same grey and black and white cats from before, but both like angry/pouty at the toy from before as well. /end id]

they have very expressive giant eyes but i really don't know if they mean anything??? sometimes i'll try to pet magic but then biscuit looks at me all angry, but when i go to pet biscuit for the same amount of time, magic just STARES at me blankly

[id: grey cat staring directly at the screen with giant eyes. /end id]

also, i can't figure out how to feed them properly. i know that with the spamton mod he's scared of like everything so he doesn't eat, and then sometimes he runs away from home out of neglect

also they fight all the time. or is it playing????? i DON'T know. I wish i had just gotten one cat to start off with but i don't want to neglect one so now i'm just a single mom of twins. which is okay. i LOVE them to death

so these cats are loud as hell. they meow LOUDLY all the time which i don't mind. i have a very high tolerance for annoyances and i think it's cute, but i can't figure out what or if the noises mean anything. biscuit especially makes this loud yowl whenever he gets slightly annoyed.

here's a photo of biscuit eating, magic staring at me, and a good view of the living room.

the yellow briefcase also pops open and closed which is nice as well bc it's like super big

in the living room are two mouseholes and the mice are ADORABLEEEE and the cats like to chase and hunt them which is cute. the mice never die though which is probably for the best

 i don't really know what to make of this game yet. it's cute and all, but i have a hard time understanding how to actually take care of the cats, which is definitely important since when i adopted them i said i was going to take care of them and i INTEND TO.

i do like my irl cats better though.. my sweet angels💚❤️🤍

i want to mod spamton it at some point becuase he looks funny and pathetic (as he should).

here's the spamton video again for anyone wanting to see what i mean by petz spamton

i'm gonna keep playing this game and try to work out how to enjoy it, because i do like it, but only for like 20 minutes at time </3 i u nderstand there's a big modding community so maybe i can learn how to code in that as well as html

alright, i'll post another update on this later in my bulletin or make another post if it's big enough to warrant one. byeee!!

 sky 🦌🔔❤️

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