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Category: Life

system dysphoria in an androgynous bod and presentation???

IDK how to word this but like. imagine you have been dead for over a decade, then you one day reawaken only to see youre like not a girl or even girlish in nature anymore??? and its making u freak out cuz youre different and its not correct... having people call me the wrong like, pronouns and interpret me as the fat hairy mountain man and im literally just not even that.....i can kinda excuse my body cuz its just apart of being intersex and developing differently but uhm. ya its just not me lol
also our long hair??? i am not supposed to have long hair its supposed to be short and cute...also clothes im not into wearing freaking dad sneakers and baggy wranglers and flannels and cowboy boots like im supposed to dress like someone from hmm idk 2012 like skinny jeans and scene shirts and busted up drawn on converse and fingerless gloves exposing drawn on finger mustaches??? thats who i am...not arthur freaking morgan lmfao.

idk what 2 do abt it cuz since these goobers have like, developed themselves i cant just tell everyone around me "oh btw my name is roxy and i am girl" without being accused of like detransitioning and i was just confused the whoooole timelike no u guys just dont know im comprised of at minimum 5 people who actively are out and about LMFAO but i cant even say that or im a hypochondriac despite being a system since i was a KID??? uhghgghgh ts is so confusing and frustrating........

im not alone tho i know others that deal with this same exact NIGHTMARE situation of dysphoric system shizz. its just like rlly fuckingĀ  sad? sad to not be correct
granted one body cant fuckin be molded for EVERYONE EVERs interests but cmon man its still disheartening idk ill just have 2 suck it up and those who know, well they freakin kno

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