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Category: Life

writing an alternate life narrative

Okayy, soo obviously I've been unhappy with my life.. and the lack of friends, and sudden anhedonias.. but I found a strange solution to my problem.. lets play that game again "half vérité half mensonge"

I plan to create a narrative, not narrative.... but a semi-autobiography, like... in another universe, this is my name, this is how my day went, this is what I achieve in the day, this is my new friend, etc etc... but noone can tell which is true about my life and achievements, and which are lies.. I will debunk them in the future.. one day..

The obvious lie there is about performing on a big stage or something, because you know how I am.. I'm anxious and obtained stage frights.. but then again its a semi-autobiography, some of it are bound by my upbringing and my childhood.. I place a great importance to my past.. soo if I mentioned like a past event, its true... but those would be rare, specially now that I typed it out..

Hopefully, writing this narrative, would change how I carry my life, and of course, will probably a good enough reason to throw me back into the depths of the asylum...

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