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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Working retail has made me lose hope in people

Disclaimer before I start: I'm talking about my personal experiences working at undisclosed red dog store and I'm sure my situations are different from others working at similar places. I know most of the things I'm going to complain about aren't that deep but after seeing these things happen for over a year I just want to let out a little bit of steam. I know that people make mistakes and will drop something and forget to pick it up or pick up something and don't know how to fold it back properly and that's okay! I'm going to be talking about things people shouldn't be doing.

When I very first started this job I was going in completely blind. I wasn't very familiar with the area and have only shopped at that location very few times. On my first day on the salesfloor I was warned about how rowdy the teenagers get. I didn't really believe them until my third day when I found a path of condoms on different stages of being open all across the salesfloor to OTC. I had me and my trainer sweep them up. The kids are genuinely the worse here, I try my best to not blame them because I was a bored teenager too but these kids are nasty. One time there was a group of boys laughing and playing with a metal belt. When they realized they where done with it they tossed it high and it landed on a girls rack of dresses. My confrontational coworker confronted them and they played dumb. These people act like we don't have eyes or ears. I snatched the belt to put it away out of habit (i passive aggressively put things away in front of people doing what they shouldn't be in hopes to make them feel bad about their decision). My coworker was trying to kick them out of the store but they kept arguing with her until they called security. If I had a better memory I could probably write a book about the things these kids do, but the most common is them either trying to pull pranks or playing catch across the entire store.

Besides the kids, people just don't pick up after themselves anymore. I don't understand how people just let stuff pile up till the pathway is unwalkable. Everyday I have to clear paths in the shoe section because people will just slip their foot into some shoes and just leave them on the floor. Especially with summer coming people leave swimsuits and sandals all over the floor. I understand stuff will fall off things naturally and people sometimes don't want to bend over, but to the point where a path is almost unwalkable? It just feels like people don't care about others. Whether its the employees that clean up or the other people that just want a pleasant shopping experience.

I know a whole lot of these problems could be resolved with more staff but with how things are right now not a lot of people want to work in the style department and they simply wont schedule enough people most days. I just want people to have a little bit more consideration for others please.

2 Kudos


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