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Category: Music

my thoughts and music

I've always used music to waste my time away when I as lonely or sad bc idek bro music is cool and it s helps I guess.. when i overthink alot i js turn on some music in an attempt to focus on that. there's like a 50 50 chance it'll stop my thoughts or not but its better then nothing. idk how to describe it, but music s brightens my mood, like when i'm going thru smth and my head is just pounding me w nonsense i play some music and I feel all light. the sound of rain is also nice, when I hear rain outside I normally pause anything making sound nd sit listening to it. Music also tells me a bunch about people, when i make new friends I usually ask for their Spotify or music taste js to know, it just tells me what kind of person they are idk how or why it just does.

yk there was this one guy, he didnt like music at all i never understood why. i liked talking to him alot but we just stopped talking at some point.

note to self - stop thinking about the past loser

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