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Category: Life


Hey! I actually got a lot done today! Let's gooooooo! Wooooooooo! I'm a little tired though...

  • Do you believe in MUSIC?! 
  • Peak of Eden!
  • And we begin again!
  • Recovery log!
  • What's more culturally significant?!
  • Recommendation of the day!

I picked up guitar again and decided to ease myself in by playing a very simple and old song from whenever it was made by some Beatles rip offs. Those are always easy. Beatles can be difficult to play at times, I don't exactly like the Beatles but I can acknowledge their musical prowess and that's something I don't see in Beatles ripoffs. Don't you dare say Beach Boys is a Beatles rip off! However, Beatles rip offs are a guilty pleasure of mine, maybe that's the point yk? It's supposed to be catchy and sound good so that more records can be sold and I'm hooked, no matter how corny it is. I chose Do You Believe in Magic by The Lovin Spoonfuls. That's a good, catchy song, I like it and it's easy to play. It's so easy. I caught it in five minutes. Thinking of doing what I did earlier and alternate between drawing and guitar maybe. So tomorrow, I draw again, if I can get around to it.

Guys, East of Eden is so good. I got it yesterday, care to guess how many pages I read? I read 90. In two days and that may not sound like a lot but wait until i tell you that I'm gonna read more. I miss this feeling of having a book and literally not being able to put it down. I never wanna stop reading it. Highly recommend! Though it is a little dated in some aspects but that's to be expected. If you can look past that, it's great! I love it so far and it seems like it's gonna continue to grip me. I might finish it before the time. I'm reading more pages than I set out for myself which is good. I set out to read to 40 pages a day, if I read around that number, I should have it done in exactly 14 days and if I read it at the pace I'm at rn, I should finish it in 11 days. 

I'm gonna start writing reviews again. The death grips thing was gonna be a one time thing but I got a little taste of reviewing the other day and I just can't get enough... I just can't get enough! I'm gonna write a movie review because im best at that. Not sure what to write on but I'll see! I tried writing a something on vertigo but I gave in. I tried to structure it and that messed with my flow. My reviews are very off the cuff, I write as it comes to me and that gives it a nice flow that I love! I feel that my possibilities are endless, kind of. I said I'd review the next movie on my watch list but I am not doing that. Because that's Schindler's list and what can I say with very very limited knowledge of history "ummmmm... nazi bad" "yeah, we know" I wouldn't be saying anything of value, really except maybe on a technical level but that's not how I like to discuss movie. I'll see! Whatever happens... happens.

How am I recovering? Well, I think! It started so badly this morning, I was like blocked up, my throat was aching and I just put on Jerma and ate breakfast. Despite feeling terrible, I enjoyed the morning. I watched Jerma and just spoke on discord or whatever. I then read a book! East of Eden, I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough. Jerma... save me jerma... save me... I was supposed to talk to a few people, one of them being my literal counselor but I don't have it in me. I was so sick at that point, all i could do was watch Jerma and send cryptic messages on discord about music. I don't even remember what I spoke about. I watched Jerma play Elden Ring though. Ohhh oh uh! Elden ring! Ugghhhhh Elden ring! That's a jerma reference for all you jermites! I was just so out of it too this morning and also this afternoon but I feel great this evening! I planned on being sick all week so I added all of Jerma's elden ring streams to my watch list.

I don't know why I titled this section that, I was gonna make a funny joke to open this. I don't remember what though. I was gonna talk about movies and how there's a resurgence in cinema or more of a Renaissance. After Challengers people kept saying, "movies are back" and I'm sick of hearing it! They've always been there! You just haven't noticed! I guess cinemas play a part. Like of course, they push Superhero movies to the front and sabotage the more classical movies but recently, they've been pushing the classical ones. The old Hollywood shit, the indie shit, the stuff I fw! It's finally time for me to start going to the cinema on a regular basis again. I've been waiting for this! I have a subscription to see one free movie every month so I'll use that. My cinema has also been playing old movies every now and then. I may finally have an excuse to watch Oppenheimer because I am not watching that on my phone or laptop.

We've made it! Recommendation of the day! I'm not sure how many of you know this but now you do! I'm a big underscores fan! She put out a new song today! Check it out, here's the link! Cross you fingers, touch wood, manifest and pray for a new album! I don't care if you don't care about underscores because you will!


Anyway, good night! I gotta eat and take meds and then read or something. Thanks for reading!

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