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Category: Friends

why are people like this

i hate making friends, its so stressful bro like i have to reach out to them to keep in touch bc ppl never wanna talk to me first!!! and like, how do i do that?? what if i like bother them or smth and they r like "FUCK OFF UR SO ANNOYING OMG!!! CANT U JS LEAVE ME ALONE!?!!?!?" ughhh i hate ittttt i wish people liked me, not some made up personality to entertain them or make myself somewhat attractive to them. i genuinely cant name anyone who would say that im their bestestttt friend or first choice. idk what to do w myself. the internet used to be a place where i could make friends so easily, i used to have so much friends but one event leads to another and their all gone. some js distance themself away with no reason and im almost left no one. whats wrong with me? im not that bad of a person!! like cmon i change myself for people yet im never enough!! when i was younger i never thought i would have it this hard at this age i thought i would have like like a billion friends and pull up w a hellcat to school. but no!!!! i have like idek!! 1-2-3 maybe friends?? idk how to make more friends anyway, people scare me. my personality isnt good enough for anyone but creeps who wanna send me pics of their parts i cant say here... its so annoying i wish i could find anyone PLEASEEEE IM SO ALONEENENENENENENNE all i do is sit in my room and listen to music all day. and wait for someone to text me (rare) i do try to reach out, but nobody seems to actually wanna talk to me. PEOPLE R LITERALLY GHOSTING ME NOW.  I TEXT, THEY R ONLINE BUT THEY IGNORE ME, AND THIS IS W MULTIPLE PEOPLE!!! CMON ITS NOT THAT HARD PLS IM RLLY NOT THAT BAD TO TALK TO I SWEAR. idk i hate people,, i say that alot, i think alot, like every moment SINCE I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO!! and one thought to another i always somehow end up w me thinking, "i hate people." i do, but idk, sometimes people r excluded from that. rn like 2!!  guys i love ppl!

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~☆Retail_Mail☆~'s profile picture

do u wanna chat? u seem cool soo HIIIIII

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by zombiecat; ; Report

zombii♥︎kissez (#1 jazmin bean stan)

zombii♥︎kissez (#1 jazmin...'s profile picture

hey dont worry. I'm sure the right friend will come around soon <3 if ur down 4 it, i'd love to be ur friend, srsly :) I also rlly love ur pfp and ur layout is so cute

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yess i would love thatttttt!!! and thank u <333

by zombiecat; ; Report

ur welcome<3 ur still very young and have a whole life infront of u. Everyone ur age is gonna be somewhat annoying, but thats cs ur all hormonal teenagers (つ﹏<。) dont let a few small broken friendships etc ruin everything and try ur best to live ur life as full as possible!

by zombii♥︎kissez (#1 jazmin bean stan); ; Report