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Category: Life

Summer Boom

As Summer looms ever closer, life sways once again. Towards the good, thankfully.

My garden is exploding like normal, however I am struggling to keep up with it. I harvest from it nearly every day, and yet it all keeps growing lol. I have an endless amount of chives and catnip, it seems. My kidnapped asparagus is growing a fine stalk, my cucumbers and turnips are sprouting, and my newly planted red onion, spicy bell peppers, and tomatoes seem to be doing well. Despite the squirrels digging (albeit small) holes in the boxes, everything seems great.

I've been making the Starbucks Pink Drink at home, and it's been amazing (and cheap.) Normally I don't go to Starbucks in the first place, but the Pink Drink is something I've always enjoyed. So being able to have it at home, whenever I want, is amazing. And it's just two ingredients: coconut milk (I use Silk original specifically) and Ocean Spray white cranberry - strawberry juice (I haven't seen any off brand alternatives, but I am keeping my eye out.) Being able to mix it how I want, whether I want more milk or more juice, is simply wonderful. Great drink for the Summer heat.

And, last but certainly not least, I've officially started testosterone! It's been a long journey, years of going back and forth with myself, fighting my internalized transphobia and dysphoria, trying to find a support system that will accept me for who I am, no matter what. I took my first shot yesterday, and man, let me tell you it was terrible lmao. I was shaking so bad, sitting there for about 15 minutes, trying to psyche myself up to just get it done. I understand that your brain goes "hey let's not stab ourselves" but when it's something that needs to happen, it sucks ASS. But, the more I do it, the easier it'll be. The trick is to cough while moving the needle at all; your brain is distracted by the full body movement of the cough, thus overriding and ignoring the pain. My mom has been extremely supportive through it all, and I came out to my dad this morning. Overall, it's gone extremely well. I'm happy I can finally work towards being who I truly am.

Oh! Before I forget, I was finally able to start Balur's Gate. 100/10. I love everyone and will kill to protect my babies. Gale and Astarion are my #1 fr.

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leafeonElena * ੈ✩‧

leafeonElena * ੈ✩‧'s profile picture

I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A GARDEN!! Are plants like cucumbers hard to keep alive and grow or would it be good for a beginner? (or right around the middle) d= (´▽`) =b

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Cucumbers can be finnicky, but I'd say they're pretty good for a beginner! It mostly depends on the dirt and fertilizer you use. Getting a plant might be easier than seeds, but I haven't had a whole lot of problems with seeds so far!

by Ace; ; Report


by leafeonElena * ੈ✩‧; ; Report