Hello to all of you today I bring you the episode of this series of blogs interviewing random people from spacehey this in order to get to know each other and connect between the community without further ado let's start
update note : ty sm for wait the nex blog im benning sick those days but im fell better now to continue whit this
。°✩₊⋆Ducky。°✩₊⋆ interview
🥚: hi
🥡: Hiiii To start the interview I want you to tell me a little about yourself and how you found out about the app
🥚: so im Lilly im 16 years old and i live in new zealand.. i found the app though pintrest.
🥡: Tell me your experience in this app
🥚: so i havent really experienced much but i have experienced gore accs and stuff like that it almost made me sick.
🥡: Yep, it's a problem that bothers everyone in the app, now tell me, you're new to spacehey, right?
🥚: yeah i am
🥚: ive only been on here for 2 weeks..
🥡: Has it been difficult for you to make friends in the app?
🥚: yes it has. i really want to meet new people but its hard.
🥡: Tell me why?
🥚: people just seem to ignore friend requests and i don't know how to dm someone without being friends with them.
🥡: Based on this, what do you think about the spacehey community?
🥚: its okay but things could be better
🥡: Do you plan to leave the app at some point or will you continue looking for friends?
🥚: i will continue to look for friends
🥡: Any good or bad experience in the app?
🥚: other than the gore no..
🥚: acctually i had a good experience
🥚: someone said i had a pretty name and it made me very happy :>
🥡: Anything you want to say before finishing the interview?
🥚: uhm... to have a good day and may you be happy!!
-personal notes : I wanted to get to interview her as a new person on the app to get an idea of how new people adapt to the community and their problems.
The following interview is with a bilingual person. It was originally done in Spanish but first I leave you the translation into English.
Tragicboat interview eng vers
me: nothing bc is a lot text T-T
trajicboat: 🎶
🎶: Do u prefer doing it english or spanish?
🎶: ;3
🎶: Ksjs okii
You are going to be the only interview in Spanish, it will be interesting
🎶: Uuu d right?
🎶: How crazy
🎶: whenever you want^^
First of all, tell me about yourself and how you found out about the app.
🎶: Well, I found out about spacehey a year ago through a Pinterest post while I was seeing random things. At the time, I was quite impressed because I saw that they were talking about how it was the successor to a network called something 64, which was something like an old Windows. I was interested because it looked like a social network. more closed and also less crowded with people so I felt very safe using it and if I talk about myself I am from Costa Rica I am 16 my birthday is on January 30 and I really like my chemical romance the color black the food and the animals my hobbies are reading and listening to music^&
Perfect, now tell me how your experience has been in this app
🎶: Well, quite positive, I have found many friends and I have been in the app for 10 months when I started, I was there for 3 months, then I disconnected and came back this month. There are all kinds of people with whom I have had somewhat sexual and even somewhat romantic friendships, I always try talk more with women because in a way I don't like talking to other men as much and if I do I don't like that they go around saying stupid things all the time
🎶: I can say that it has helped me develop as a person in ways I didn't think of, such as meeting people, improving conversations and discovering new tastes.
Now, as a Spanish-speaking user, I want you to tell me, was it difficult for you to find people who speak Spanish?
🎶: Well, at first, the first time I was active for 3 months I only had 2 Spanish-speaking friends, now I talk to many more, but at first, yes, even though it was not difficult for me to make friends since I am fluent in English, therefore it is easy for me to talk to English-speaking people.
🎶: I have seen now there is a large increase in Spanish-speaking people rather than Latinos on this site as well as Russian users for some reason.
I understand, so you generally find it easy to make friends here when you speak both languages? I don't know if it makes it difficult for you at all or are there other factors such as users who tend to disconnect and so on?
🎶: Well, if you know 2 languages, it is much easier to meet people and be an interesting candidate for friendship with others. It is not difficult for me to make friends. In fact, I usually message the person as soon as they accept the request. What is complicated is that you do not receive notifications and that people do They disconnect, don't respond, so sometimes you have to talk to pir insta or discord, what do you have
🎶: But for that I must talk to that someone with some time because I have the distrust that they will end up ghosting me anyway
🎶: The most difficult thing to make friends is to find a person who wants to be your friend as much as your friend. Yep, it's the most complicated
now tell me a negative experience you had in this app
🎶: Well, a negative experience I'm glad to say that it's hard for me to tell you one of the most positive ones, I think it was a person who talked a lot and we went to discord, he was one of the first 2 Spanish-speaking friends that I mentioned
🎶 When we went to discord we talked a lot but he only stopped talking to me because he stopped liking using discors
🎶: I feel that the worst experience is when you hope that people make the same effort as you to maintain contact.
🎶: And he just stops caring and leaves.
Finally, is there anything else you want to say? Regarding anything
🎶: Well, it's incredible how I've felt using this app. The only thing I would like is for it to be easier to find account categories outside of the groups because many don't use them, so I can search by category for users according to their interests, like Emo, English-speaking Latin people, people who are looking for friends. or something sexual or romantic and all those who want to promote their music or so on and just to make it clear I am open to any sexual or friendly romantic relationship or all 3 ;3
🎶: Thank you very much, this was very interesting, I would definitely do an interview with you again.
Tragicboat interview spain vers
🎶: Hiii
🎶: Do u prefer doing it english or spanish?
🎶: ;3
🎶: Ksjs okii
Vas a ser la única entrevista en español, será interesante
🎶: Uuu d vdd?
🎶: Q loco
🎶: Bno pos cuándo quieras^^
Primero que todo cuentame acerca de ti y como conociste la app
🎶: Okip
🎶: Pues conoci spacehey hace un año por un post de pinterest mientras veia cosas randoms en el momento estaba bastante impresionado pq vi q hablaban d q era el sucesor d una red llamada algo 64 q era algo asi como un windows antiguo me intereso pq parecia una red social mas cerrada y tmbn menos abarrotada d gente por lo q me senti muy seguro de usarla y si t hablo de mi soy de costa rica tengo 16 mi cumplr es en enero 30 y me gusta mucho my chemical romance el color negro la comida y los animales mis hobbies son leer y escuchar musica^&
Perfecto, ahora dime cómo a sido tu experiencia en esta app
🎶: Pues bastante positiva me he encontrado a muchas amistades y llevo 10 meses en la app cuando inicie estuve 3 meses luego me desconecte y volvi este mes hay gente de tda clase con la que he tenido relaciones de amistad algo sexuales y tmbn hasta algo romanticas siempre intento hablar mas con mujeres pqen cierta manera no me gusta tanto hablar con otros hombres y si lo hago no me gusta q pasen diciendo estupideces tdo el tiempo
🎶: Puedo decir q me ha ayudado a desarrollarme como persona d maneras q no pense tales como conocer gente mejorar en conversaciones y descubrir nuevos gustos
Ahora como usuario hispano hablante quiero que me comentes, fue complicado para ti encontrar personas que hablen español?
🎶: Pues al principio si la primera vez q estuve 3 meses activo solo tenia 2 amistades hispanohablantes ahora hablo con muchas mas pero al principio si aunq no se me complico entablar amistades ya q soy fluido en el ingles por tantose me hace facil hablar con gente angloparlante
🎶: He visto ahora hay un gran aumento de personas hispanohablantes mas q nd latinas en este sitio al igual q usuarios rusos por alguna razon
Entiendo, entonces por lo general consideras que es fácil entablar amistades aquí cuando hablas los dos idiomas? No sé te complica en absoluto o hay otros factores como usuarios que suelen desconectarse y así?
🎶: Pues si sabes 2 idiomas es mucho mas facil conocer gente y ser candidato interesante para amistad de otros no se me complica hacer amistades suelo de hecho mensagear a la persona apenas acepta la soli lo q se complica es q no te llegan notificaciones y q si las personas q se desconectan t respondan entonces aveces hay q pasar a hablar pir insta o discord q es lo q tengp
🎶: Pero para eso debo d hablar con ese alguien con un tiempo pq tengo la desconfianza d q me terminen ghosteando igual
🎶: Lo q mas cuesta d hacer amistadrs es encontrar una persona q quiere ser tu amistad tanto como tu amistad de ella
Sip es lo más complicado, ahora dime una experiencia negativa que tuviste en esta app
🎶: Pues una experiencia negativa Me alegro decir q me cuesta decirte alguna la mas begativa creo fue una persona q hablaba mucho y pasamos a discord fue una de las 2 primeras amistades hispanohablantes q t mencione
🎶: Cuando pasamos a discord hablamos mucho pero solamente dejo de hablarme pq le dejo de gustar usar discors
🎶: Siento q la peor experiencia es cuando t ilusionas q las personas hacen esfuerzo igual q tu para mantener contacto
🎶: Y simplemente le deja de importar y se va
Para terminar, hay algo más que quieras decir? Respecto a cualquier cosa
🎶: Pues es increible como me he sentido usando esta app lo unico q me gustaria es q fuera mas facil encontrar categorias de cuentas fuera d los grupos pq muchos no los usan tipo poder buscar por categorias usuarios segun sus intereses como emos latinos angloparlantes personas q buscan amistades o algo sexual o romantico y todos aquellos q quieren promocionar su musica o asi y solo para dejarlo claro estoy abierto a cualquier relacion romantica sexual o amistosa o las 3 ;3
🎶: gracias esto fue muy interesante definitivamente volveria a to.ar una entrevista tuya
-personal notes : he talks a lot xd, is a nice person and I wanted to interview him as a bilingual person to show that they have a little easier time looking for friends who don't speak their native language.
That's all for today for the next interview we have a sociable butterfly and her experiences with friends from the community and a boy telling how he is publishing his stamps ty sm for read give me kudos plsss take care and wip your tail bai bai

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lul this is so old!! plz me!
i alr said how much i luv this concept but i also think it's a neat way 2 find friends w similar experiences nd interests ^_^ i sent tragicboat a frq!!