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Category: Life

Day 133 of brawlstarring

Today I was super productive in everything except my work. Well, whatever, I'll just use organic chemistry tutor, he's always helping me out of pickles like this...

  • Maybe I'm just a moth... interrupted!
  • Parry Gripp review!
  • Okay guys, this isn't funny anymore! (Blue Flag spoilers to a mild degree)
  • h... I'm ashamed of myself!
  • Journal!
  • Recommendation of the day!

I watched Girl, Interrupted and honestly, it was so good. I'll just say that right out the gate, it was a tough watch but I like tough watches honestly. They're necessary. Art doesn't only exist as comfort, it's this beautiful thing that can exist for all purposes and I feel that this movie can offer comfort to some, my sister takes comfort in this movie, I just saw it and was like "damn..." I have suggested to her that we watch Fight Club and Girl, Interrupted side by side, one is often seen as the gender bent version of the other and tbf, Fight Club is toxic yaoi and Girl, Interrupted is toxic Yuri sooo there's that but the comparison goes a lot deeper. They both show the effects of the patriarchy on mental health, Fight Club has emphasis on men's mental health and Girl, Interrupted has emphasis on women's mental health. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass but I don't know, it's interesting to see how different genders feel the brunt of the patriarchy, women get the worst of it, they're usually ignored and when they show the emotions that a man is allowed to show, then they're crazy. In my youth, I've yelled at my parents and they passed it off but when my sister does that, it's a whole other story, she gets called unreasonable, I guess they are just preparing her for the world outside our little bubble but it shouldn't be like that in the first place. Fight Club, as you all know, is my comfort movie, I'll keep discussions of it brief. I think it deals with the fact that behavior that women are shamed for expressing, men are encouraged to express and to unhealthy degrees. Men are encouraged to be angry and not sad. Aggression is rewarded and not passivity. Obviously there's more to each of these movies but frankly, I cant stay here all night. 

I've been writing! I kinda had to scrap my ex-military review... I reviewed Death Grips instead of Parry Gripp! Can you believe that? I decided to do it one song at a time because I'm new to talking about music like that. I started with BEWARE!!!! Listen to BEWARE and weirdly enough, I was satisfied with how I described the musical parts but unsatisfied with how I described the message of the song, I was far too vague but I can't go back and change it now, I have to wait until 2nd draft or I'll trap myself in an endless loop editing and I'll never finish. I always challenge myself to finish the first draft before I do any editing. I wanna expand more on Ride's beliefs and what I meant. I know what Ride believes according to his music and i think that this song takes that to the extreme. It opens with Charles Manson... that should say how extreme the song takes rides beliefs. I said he was challenging Charles and I never elaborated. Stupid thing to say but I do stand by the extremity part. Comparing this to On GP is odd as well because he's showing that same rejection of materialism and embracing of death but in this song, it's more powerful and he's in control, in On GP, he was in anguish. 

I've been really on and off with this manga and moth fan stan official captains are eagerly awaiting my reactions. Frankly, I cant risk getting involved in a conversation with either of my capos or else I may spend hours on discord and not study. I did wanna say the Mita guy, he's the tall guy who everyone loves, he's a cool character but frankly, I don't love him like the characters in this manga do but his brother... his brother is so hot! Im floored, he's everything I want in a man! He turned out to be a piece of shit though... I WANT A REDEMPTION ARC AND I WANT IT NOW! The main character is also literally me. Like hahaha, this isn't fucking funny anymore, I almost cried. How dare this author! I thought I was gonna laugh and chuckle but no! Why??? I like the extras though, nice breaks between sad shit. It hits too close to home for me! Especially the main character, I've seen isolation handled in media and I'm a sucker for it. I've been there, I've been a shut in, I know what it's like and I feel like it's permanently damaged my social skills in a way. I feel like I'm constantly trying to assimilate myself into society and I'm not quite there yet, it's a transitional period between shut in and functioning member of society and Ichinose perfectly captures that, not implying that he's a shut in or ever was but he's relatable either way. 

I'm kind of in a hurry and I'm embarrassed to admit why. We all know about this discord server I'm in and we all know Claire. She fucking influenced me to download Brawlstars. The worst part is that I did. So, I'm gonna be in a hurry so I can play Brawlstars... fucking Brawlstars... seriously... Brawlstars! Can you believe that??? Brawlstars! What has become of me! Why do I love and care about my friends so much. Atleast my friends aren't telling me to do drugs or something...

I wanna journal again. I haven't journaled in so long but I intend to this evening, Kafka kept a diary actually. I love that guy. Poor fella! I've mentioned this before but his diary is actually on display somewhere, wake up moth fan stans, new bucket list item dropped! 

Recommendation of the day! Journal, buy a journal and start Journaling. Couldn't think of anything else..

Anyway, good night, thanks for reading, must... brawl... star... with... Claire...

2 Kudos


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