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Category: Life

Day 131 of joining the light music club

Today was tiring and unconventional but I came out of it alright and that's good! I expected to collapse after today but we ball! 

  • Life of Moth!
  • Life of Moth pt. 2!
  • Anyone can play guitar!
  • Office Siren!
  • My favorite political commentator! 
  • Recommendation of the day!

I started the day with an English exam, not 3 hours but 2½ hours, I wish it was 3 hours because the whoever set this paper literally ruined my day. They know me personally and this was an attack on me! Okay first of all, they add an unseen poem which makes me emotional and you'll see why and 2nd of all, the life of pi essay question. Call me crazy but I was looking forward to this essay question, I was so excited for that essay question. We got a list of all the essays that might be in the exam. There were some good ones, some challenging ones, some weird ones but they were all interesting and I thought long and hard about all of them. Only to open the test and find the most boring essay question ever. The question was "Life of Pi is a novel about Faith and Determination" yes... that's the point of the book... not even gonna ask a question that requires nuance or critical thinking? Just gonna ask us to dump out the entire books plot and say "this is where this happened and that shows Pi's faith because" don't even play with me. I'm so upset. I'm actually upset. I didn't even have time to fully answer the damn thing. The Hamlet questions were good, I will say. They were what I was looking for, you really had to think, even me, a Hamlet veteran, was like Damn... and i needed to think it over, that's what I'm looking for. So that was a mixed English paper but of course, I had other things on my mind... my design exam later that day.

The design exam was torturous. I usually enjoy the time before an exam, it's nice but for design, I hate it. I just wanna get writing and get outta there! But... I got there early... I tried to stall and go at just the right time but I ran out of things I needed to do and just kinda went. So, I went in, took a piss and I ran into this guy, he was so hot. Dude.... dude... dude... I'm probably never gonna see him again too! Damn, this art class has to ruin everything! Everything! Also, as much as I hate art, I did my best to not let the people around me feel that seething hatred and misconstrue it as me hating them. If you hate art too and are also annoyed, you're a friend! I mean the subject. It sounds like I'm clowning on all artists, I have the utmost respect for artists. So, I smiled at a girl. I was such a dick unintentionally to her at one point. It was her first lesson and she smiled at me probably thinking she'd make a new friend and I thought she's smiling at someone behind me so I don't smile back, she goes up the stairs, I look behind me... nobody... no-body... nobody... literally nobody so I righted my wrongs and smiled at her. I made sure it was a biiiiiig genuine one too. Not the fucking fire punch one i always drop. Anyway, the actual test was long as hell. My art teacher was a Saint as per the usual, she didn't do anything in particular, I just think she also needs some of my infinite wealth. I didn't expect to apply that dumb infinite wealth concept so strongly but I do. For new readers or those not caught up. I'm not referring to literal riches, my infinite wealth is like love and kindness. Kindness costs nothing or can cost nothing so it's my infinite wealth. My grandma used to tell me that, she'd like be like "moth, come here" like beckoning me and she'd say "I'm rich" and I'd be all excited like "WOAH, WE CAN BUY THIS AND THAT AND X AND Y" and then she'd point to her heart and say she was rich with love. I was so upset but I get it. Dude, why are all these tiktok boys looking up to the Vinland Saga dude, we gotta look up to my grandma. Anyway, I don't wanna cry, let's get back to the actual test. I counted, guess how many essays there were in that one test...6! There were 6 essays in one test! My hand was aching and i just gave up on that last one and went home. Except I didn't go home!

Intermission! Because I started watching K-On yesterday and I forgot to mention it. That anime peaks. It's gonna motivate me to pick up guitar again! It's actually so good. I think i found my genre, I don't want action or robots or fighting, i just want dumb anime girls to be idiots together. That's why nichijou is so peak! I love K-On, I only watched one episode of it and it's already looking ehhhhhhh mazing.... never back down... never give up for the meme, the dream, the stream and the ehhhhhhhh team! Im so sorry. I- I don't know what came over me. I went into a fugue state. Oh right, I'm supposed to be reading Blue Flag and I do really love it but I keep forgetting. I need a schedule...

Anyway, me and my sister didn't go home because we couldn't well, we could but we also had to pick up our mom from work and it was too late to go home and too early to pick her up so we just went to her work and hung out there. We bought drinks and sat in one of the offices. I saw a MAILROOM!!! BETTER CALL SAUL?????? I also saw a lot of office Sirens, like I'm still not sure what that means but it's like a cunt serving office woman and she has glasses and walks with confidence. I don't know, supernanny. I don't know why but me and my sister had the giggles but this was a professional place so we tried to contain our laughter. She wasn't taking it seriously but I WAS! I understood what was at stake. A woman over the age of 35 could walk past at any minute and she sees me goofing off, I'm cooked. So we did the only natural thing and showed each other funny tiktoks. I recently became moots with this one girl on tiktok who reposts the most brainrot tiktoks ever... and they're so cringe and horrible yet i can't stop looking, there's one video that I remember, it's like..."for motivation... make your bed for Stewie, clean your room for Peter, make lunch for Lois, Study for Brian..." and i know this girl, I speak to her on discord and every so often I drop a "study for Brian" in the chat and I remember she just responded with "oh... those videos" once. Me and my sister were watching her reposts. It was tough but we made it! We didn't laugh too hard and get kicked out by middle aged office ladies.

Listen, I know some people don't like this guy because he's not really informative but listen! I am allowed, I do my research! I read news stories on Palestine most every day, I'm trying my damndest to keep up with the student protests and I do this because I care and i love politics though I think the only time I don't like politics is with the Palestine stuff. Like I can find a way to make light of right wingers and all that but like I can't make light of the zionists and Israel supporters, it actually makes me sick that they treat Palestinians like that and like, I know politics isn't supposed to be fun, of course but I genuinely love learning about this, I don't exactly love learning about the situation in Palestine... it's genuinely heartbreaking and it's good I feel that way. That's great, it shows I genuinely care. Anyway, I got sidetracked! I was talking about Hasan! I was just gonna say, I started watching him again. I kinda love Hasan. Oh, I remember why i started talking about Palestine... I was gonna say, Hasan isn't exactly a good source for information, he's a good start but he's a streamer first, informer 2nd and i was just saying I'm allowed to enjoy his content because I do my research so it's okay for me to indulge in some political slop, if you will. My science teacher once told me she reads celebrity gossip articles, we all need our slop, Hasan is my slop. I watched one his videos last night about the Fallout show, that was hilarious and I watched a video he made on the student Protests, that was not funny, i laughed a little at the beginning but that was an awkward laugh because I open the video, on high volume in my mostly conservative household and first second he calls cops piglets. I'm glad nobody heard that. I just love Hasan, let me eat my slop. Umm... I do however wanna spur you on to read something that I found. I don't exactly have any other articles saved on Palestine, I used this one for an essay on war even though the genocide isn't war but I used it because, the question I was answering was specifically about war's effect on the environment and, I'll just link it. We have our fun here and we joke around on the blog but I do seriously want to urge you to do your research on the genocide in Palestine, it's not that difficult, there are 5 minute videos explaining it. Sometimes I feel a little guilty. I try to promote awareness in real life as much as I can but I neglect to do it online despite the fact that I could reach more people and it would be easier, literally just having a presence and putting a flag next to your name, that's awareness in some form, I could be doing more but that's the bare minimum. I think I might donate, I need to pay for some things first and then I'll donate. If you're more inclined to this and know of a charity or a site that I can use to donate then that would be appreciated! 

Article on Palestine that I used for my project

Ummm, not quite sure how to pivot, I don't wanna be insensitive or anything and turn it into a joke like "Wellllll that was heavy!" Anyway, recommendation of the day! What have I got for you? Sorry for the odd pivot, I should make a separate thing for this. Friend of the moth blog, has a blog up about this but I wanna ask if it's okay for me to link it before just dropping it and I'd like to let her know first, so I'll ask and that can be the Recommendation when I do. I actually wanted to recommend this poem called "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. 

I found this poem beautiful. It was in my English test. This is why I said they must know me! Because this hit too close to home. It's about this child and their father, they have an odd relationship and I had to answer questions about this, it seemed so easy until I read the poem, it was an easy to understand poem but I feel I relate to it a lot. I don't wanna reveal too much but the types of questions would be easy to answer if they weren't so close to home. I literally just wrote about my own relationship with my father and you couldn't tell the difference between that and a real answer. Read the poem, I gotta go grind now.

Good night! Sleep tight while moth grinds! And thank you for reading as always!

2 Kudos


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