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Category: Blogging

a long ride

i know he thinks of me, does he know i think of him too? sitting on this bus watching the trees fly by. i silently wish, blowing the candles on my imaginary cake and tossing a coin down the well of my mind, for him to be sitting beside me. realizing how long he's truly been gone, and how long ago it was when i gave up on him. i deemed him broken. but in reality he was like a broken screen protector, such as the one i use to type to him nightly.

i like seeing the kudzu covered buildings and plants outside the window. light posts with leaves and vines infiltrating and curling up their long pole. you've overtaken me as well. your stems entangling around my brain and every incoming thought. your leaves wrapped around my beating heart, as if every pound is for you. i like you being back, i love it a lot

- love, river

ps. sorry if this made no sense to you (iykyk). it doesn't make much to me either

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