I'm really having a lot of trouble processing my emotions, and the grief that came with my Dad's passing.
It will be nearly two years since throat/lung cancer and alcoholism took him. ( We all tried our hardest to help him to quit and get help. But he was a stubborn old git that refused to let anyone help him, let alone let his kid see him like that. )
My Dad was prideful. He never asked for help, and if it was given ( especially money ) he always gave it to someone that needed it more than he did. He was a genuinely wonderful, and amazing man. Though he had his faults there was still a spark or wonder and kindness within him.
I loved him. Still love him. We all do.
I just haven't felt right since he died. I never got to say 'goodbye' to him.
Circumstances prevented me from getting there on time. I had just stepped into his apartment, set my bags down and was chatting with my cousin for a moment before my Aunt called to tell me: "Sweetheart, he's gone. I'm sorry. Gods, I'm so sorry.."
Dad never wanted anyone to see him weak.
He fought tooth and nail to protect those he loved and those that couldn't protect themselves.
I miss him so damned much.
All I want to hear is the sound of his footsteps, and his rumbly voice saying:: "Hey, Kiddo."
It's selfish of me to want him to come back when he's finally at peace. I know that.
I just miss him.
June 26th ( Sat ) 11:14AM is when I got the call.
He died on a rainy afternoon. I'll never forget how hollow I felt afterwards.
I still have so much to process. I'm really working on it, but right now with all the stress that about to reach a head, I find myself wanting to curl into a ball and give into old vices. But I know that would break my Dad's heart, so I'm resisting.
I don't know why I'm rambling so much. I just needed to vent.
Thank you.
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