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Category: Blogging

Getting in Shape 21

We are officially in the 20s. This streak is going pretty well so far. I'm just glad I finally found a sustainable workout plan I can stick to.

I keep forgetting to blog when I workout so I probably have a streak in the 30s at this point.

The event I have been getting in shape for is coming up in the next few weeks and I am really excited. I was hoping to be absolutely shredded by now but hey, what can you do. At least I'm better than before. 

Along with regularly working out, I started on skincare. 

I wash my face every night with cleanser, use retinal every other day, and apply sunscreen every day at the morning at minimum. 

Who would have guessed. My skin isn't perfect but it's much much better than before. I finally don't feel self-conscience about my face anymore. Not because it's flawless but because I am putting in effort and am proud of how far I've come. 

I feel much weaker. My arms are getting stronger and it's time to up the sets or the weight. But I feel and look weaker. I am assuming it's some sort of body dysmorphia.  Weird...

Song of the Day: Falling In Love - No Mana, vowl. & Leyla Diamondi


Warm Up:

Treadmill until warm


Light Arms:

Bench Press/Dumbell 5x8-12 2 10s

Wide Grip Pull Down 4x6 88


Pull-ups 4x10


Squats 4x6 15 each

Leg Press 4x6 80 each leg

Leg Extensions/Curls 4x6 110

Heavy Arms:

Bench Press/Dumbell 5x8-12 2 10s

Bent Over Row 4x6 30

Drop 2x6 20

Super Set Curls/Bench 3x10 15

Preacher curls 4x15-20

rest day:


rest day:


0 Kudos


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Spiral's profile picture

Reading this reminded me to keep up with my streak of daily stretches when I get back home so my body will hurt less during these days where I sit at the laptop for prolonged periods of time. Godspeed. Keep up the good work!11!1!1!

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