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Category: Life

Passed database, Failed Java

May 8, 2024

We had our database certification yesterday and I passed it. I got 743 points. I was so happy and relieved and my ego went up the roof. I've studied for 5 days straight and abandoned Java because I thought that when we fail the database certification, we'll fail the course. Turns out, if you fail, you just won't get a certification. Then, I just found out this monday that that was the case with database and it was Java that we needed to pass because if we didn't we'll have a second chance with the comprehensive exam in July but if we failed that too, we fail the course which means I'll be late for a year. 

I should've just abandoned database instead and purposely failed it and pass the Java certification so I wouldn't have to think of it and I can enjoy my summer

I didn't know how to read array conditions and those x++, ++x, x--, --x, stuff, and also the logical stuff where > < these symbols were used. It also had questions asking about where the error was in the program and what to do to fix it. I just didn't know how to read the program properly and I find my brain being jumbled.

Anyway, only 2(?) out of 40 something students passed the database certification, that's me and my other classmate and 4 out of 40 in the class passed the Java certification. 

As you can see a lot of us didn't pass and I wouldn't blame it all on the students because the professors are also the reason why we didn't pass, its because they don't teach. But I guess that's just college. You're on your own. Maybe its their way of teaching us that we should learn how to self study. But its still better if there's professional guidance. 

Anyway, I failed but I learned a lot, still. I just know that I don't want to be in this cramming situation again. The stress I felt is just awful and the thought of me failing I don't want to feel it again. 

Also I'm a slow learner and I find it hard to comprehend stuff maybe because the text books and questions are in English, it's not my first language. 

and just the feeling of failure is awful. But no winner is born a winner, they work hard for it. It is possible through hard work. 

that's all, have a nice day! 

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