totallynotacat's profile picture

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Category: Life

dni + boundaries + byi/about me


racists, queerphobes, israel supporters, pedophiles, if you proship just for the fun of it (for elaboration on this, click here), support incest, ableist, zoophile

if you vape/smoke/drink anything like that and you're underaged (or support doing that)

if you make fun of people for their interests

if you have realistic gore or nudity on your profile... i uhm. hope no one has that but you never know

if you genuinely have a dislike towards cisgender and/or straight people


dont flirt with me

dont try to get me to tell you my age i'll tell you if im comfortable with you

im fine if older people add me but dont im if youre 20+

check strawpage for triggers and discomforts

byi/about me

i can be passive aggressive sometimes

i think i dry text often not really idk but if i dry text its normal; people have told me i text dry commonly

im stubborn

i really dont like drama it makes me anxious as hell

5 Kudos


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