壊死 's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

tired of minors here

they all like to "set boundaries", but how about respecting other's boundaries? they mindlessly send friend requests/messages and then it's somehow my responsibility to check their age (if they even have it in their profile), read their dni list or whatever. 

can't they just not send this friend request, when they see 18+ mark in my (or anyone else's) profile? i'm not taking "they're just kids, they don't understand" bullshit, they're just being careless. if you want to "be safe" and want your "boundaries to be respected", respect others and take some responsibility for your actions. 

i know that i won't interact with them even if i add them and even if they message me, but they don't know it about me or anyone else. how do you know if you're not sending friend request to some pedo, giving them access to your IMs? how do you know it's not gonna be used against you? why are you putting yourself in danger intentionally? i get it that you can't be absolutely safe in the internet, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't follow basic safety rules and have common sense

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RadianceMutt's profile picture

this, it's also the reason why i refuse to communicate with minors on any of my social media or do any art business involving real money with minors.

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Antwon's profile picture

amen brother

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