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Category: Life

worries n passions

i feel like its so difficult to do what you like nowadays! unfortunately unless you're crazy passionate or talented or creative you can't pursue your dreams. i'm so worried about my future!! sometimes, i just want to do what i want with my life without worrying whether i succeed or not, or whether i'll get money from what i'll do in the future!

i want to shut off my brain! i want to listen to music! find more cool bands! i want to travel! i want to make new friends! i want to study a new language! i want to paint whatever trash i want without judgement! i want to sing, cry and push stuff off buildings! i want to do something with my life, and i want to live it!!!!

i wish people actually cared about passion. that's what makes the whole world move. that's where culture is!! now everythings suuuuper corporate and boring, and people are selfish. i want to see a world with more color!!!!!

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bo's profile picture

so true. my number one dream is to make a comic (ive been working on the story for like 3 years now) but i unfortunately know its just not a reliable career path, being an artist n all :( its really sad. i wish people appreciated art from passion more

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yeah.. i wish there was much we can do, but i do hope you get to create your comic though :D i think it'd be great!

by Meko; ; Report

aww, thank you!!! i hope you can fulfill your dreams as well!

by bo; ; Report