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Category: Life

Day 120 of exploring every single university in the entire world

Special episode!!! Let's gooooooo!!! What did we do today??? I went to the university out of town. We've got an extra long blog today because I wanna cover everything so...CHOP CHOP! 

  • Pathetic fallacy 
  • Scenic route
  • Arrival
  • Up and down and back down again then up again
  • Belt story
  • LIBrary 
  • Coffee review
  • Coney Island baby
  • Song running through my head!

Do you guys know what a pathetic fallacy is. Okay! English lesson time!! That's like when you ascribe emotions and stuff to your environment or animals or inanimate objects. I'd say Life of Pi uses this best. In Life of Pi, you can always tell how Pi is feeling based off how the weather is being described or how the sea is. In some later chapters, they do some cool surrealist stuff with the island and how it represents Pi's faith and his attitude towards faith. So good... Anyway, sometimes I compare my life to a book because it's a coping mechanism. If I say I'm like Hamlet then i believe a day will come where deep within the depths of my heart, I am suddenly stirred to action and through sheer impulse and madness, I can make my way out of any situation! In my book, I'll have the Hamlet analogy in place of the fig tree one. I'll also have a pathetic fallacy though. This is so odd but on my first university outing, I was upset and even more confused than before and when we're driving home, it was all foggy like I was driving through a cloud. That could be like mentally, I'm so lost and everything's so cloudy and foggy. So, suffice it to say, it was rough last time. I hated it. I was almost on the verge of tears. My parents were yelling at me and yelling at each other and the people on campus were mean and we walked up and down aimlessly. I was not excited for this trip and we drove through fog again. I was actually dreading it. I actually sighed like a deep sigh... LIKE HAMLET WHEN HE SAW OPHELIA DURING HIS FAKE MADNESS and I left the house slowly and reluctantly.

I've been out of town before. I know the route but my dad decided to take a different route, a more Scenic one and it was actually beautiful in some ways. Well, in some ways, it was really just...sad, like we passed this low income area and low income is an understatement, it was a plot of land full of shacks and i thought "ohh, it's not too many" we drive past a small hill and there's the ocean on the one side and shacks on the other side of this road, the shacks stretched about as far and wide as the ocean. That's just sad. Like, I felt so sad seeing that. There are houses, many empty houses but this is what we do with our population, we cast them out and leave them to fend for themselves but Ohhhhhhh let's us help them by placing three toilets there for them to pee and Poo. It makes me sick that people have to live like that because of our greedy fucking government who can't manage money properly. Buuuutttt I felt better because we drove to this little lonely town with a lot of fishermen. It was so nice and small and compact and all the houses had Dutch architecture. I actually wanted to live there, I imagined myself a fisherman living in that little town. It was so small too, I mean the houses, they were quaint and made me feel enormous. Then we passed rich people houses and I felt sad again. These houses were probably 5 times bigger than my house, that's not what worried me though, you could build so many more affordable houses there for the people who live in shacks that reside just one village over from where you stay. But noooooo, let's build a house with a massive garden that I will never use. One of the guys who owned a house in that area had 3 more houses of similar sizes. Three more... THREE MORE... when does human greed end? I just wanna live in the fishermen town!! We also went to this twin peaks, northwest looking town, it even had a toll booth of sorts and the buildings looked so old and dark academia.

So imagine my surprise in finding out that the town was the university that we were checking out. Okay, so cult university... already a big campus but this one was probably 4 times bigger. We'll call this City Uni. That rolls off the tongue nicely. We did arrive at the university and we immediately went to go use the bathroom. I took a massive leak and then I went and walked about, asking general questions about where everything was and at that very moment, I knew I wanted to attend there. The people were also so nice! Like you're working at an open day, you have to talk to confused high-schoolers all day, how can you be this patient??? I respect it though. I mostly just learnt about residency because if I attend, I'll have to stay in the dorms. Atleast there's no cult! I don't mind though, all that shit I said about not wanting a roommate is probably still true but I do need to make new friends even if I'm not open to talking to people. I'm open to making new friends but not open to people, I'd actually want new friends. It'll be good for me. I will also be separated from my best friend. I don't mind I'll be honest, I love him to death but I'm fine on my own. More than fine. I don't wanna sound edgy like ohhh, I don't need people but mothanthropy. That's just my definition of misanthropy which I bent to fit me. Basically, I don't hate people, I love people but I could do without them. 

I went to like 4 different sessions, I regret most of them I'll be honest but that's not to say that I didn't learn anything! I started off with the language one because I thought "English is a language, I don't see English here so it must be apart of the language session. I walked in and this guy started greeting us in different languages and then I realized... "this guy isn't even going to mention English" and I was correct. I don't think I regretted it, I would never say I regret an opportunity to learn even if it may not be useful to me at this moment. However, I will say, my time could've been better spent. As soon as it ended, I bolted through these little booths outside where people spoke about different majors and I went to the English booth where I asked them whether or not they had an English session and they did not. Which was unfortunate, I would've sat at one. I went to that English booth like 5 times, there was always someone else on shift which I was thankful for. I didn't want them to be like, "oh here comes this loser again, shhhh, they're approaching" and they force a smile but each time everyone was so genuinely nice. Like what are you doing being this nice. I also got flirted with again between sessions. Well, I'm not sure whether or not it was flirting, I rely on other people to tell me if it was. This anthropology major came up to me randomly and asked me what I wanted to study and slipped me a brochure which I thought was a kind gesture and my parents and mothster were giggling talking about how she flirted with me. Sooo, maybe.... I'm not sure... next was the marketing session which I also did not regret! It was really informative. If English falls through, marketing sounds fun. The dude was also super charismatic. He was an older gentleman, I wouldn't call him particularly attractive but that's a skill! When you can sway people without the use of physical attraction. He was just so good with words. Like the way he spoke. I don't know, it stirred my heart. That has become a barometer for my university outings, when something stirs my heart, I take it into consideration for my studies. So far, English and Marketing have stirred my heart. 

Then the next two sessions, I do kinda regret but only because I couldn't hear anything and I came late. My bad gang. We also got food in between and climbed like a thousand stairs, buttttt climbing stairs prevents heart problems so, yeah! 

My dad kept commenting on my belt throughout the day and then after all our sessions we took a few photos and he just said that he couldn't bear to see my belt and he gave me his one. My belt is broken. It's peeling. It looks like a snake shedding it's skin. It looks so bad but I've been wearing it because I am thin and my other belts do not fit. I tried to poke holes in them with scissors but...that did not go well, I'll leave it at that. My dad's belt didn't fit either and I had to keep my pants up with my hand the whole time. I ended up throwing my snake belt away in one of the bins. Tis a sad day...

But NOT ANYMORE! I explored the library and it was so huge they needed a tour guide. They had a million books spread across three floors and a basement. There was a song that played at the beginning of Boss Baby where the guy sang "I'm in heaven... I'm in heaven" that's how I felt. The tour guide was also super cool, they were like this alt person with awesome tattoos and piercings and green hair. They reminded me of my art teacher, in the sense that they were overly anxious but also overly passionate and their passion and anxiety were at constant war. Their name was like TJ I think. They were so cool, next year! Mark my words! I will visit TJ again! The library was massive, like I have stated and that was the tipping point, I didn't care anymore, I said I was going to attend there! That's final. I don't wanna say what I'll do if I don't get in. Its obvious, I'll have to go to cult university but I will get in! Through determination, prayers, manifestation, sheer luck, hard work and other stuff. Okay guys, remember when Jerma got his entire chat to think positively about him at a specific time, we're gonna do that. I want you to think "ooooooo moth gets accepted into city uni" I'm kidding, that's low-key cultlike. I've become the very thing I swore to destroy.

I tried their coffee and just when I thought this place was perfect... it gets better. I ordered a mocha which was a bit pricey but that's the price I usually pay for mochas. They're always more expensive than normal coffee for some reason and usually they're not even that good. THAT MOCHA WAS WORTH IT. It was perfect. It may have been the best coffee I've ever had outside my house. Whatever was at the top of my coffee ranking, City Uni coffee is at the top! I'd go there for the coffee alone. It was so good. So tasty. Also the woman working there was so nice. Like, she was tired, you could see, she was sitting down, head in hands, leaning over the register. I felt so bad for disturbing her rest and treated her nicer than usual. I try to treat clerks and wait staff as kind as possible but I cranked the kindness up to 11 for her. Even so, she remained really kind. She never got impatient or anything. She even made jokes with us. What a lovely clerk. When I had to pay, she pulled out her card machine and I had the exact amount in cash but she was so nice, I didn't even ask if I could pay cash and just pulled out my card.

On the way home, my dad wanted to stop and look at some of the nice houses. I took a few photos because how could I not and that was a nice walk. As a kid, I used to see the families in the movies, mom dad, children, all laughing together and I felt I never had that sort of relationship with them. Walking on the beach to get those pictures with my mom and dad and sister was exactly what I wanted as a kid. We were laughing at each other, taking photos... "Oh, Moth go stand by that house, cmon mothster stand next to them"

"Okay, now a silly one" 

It was nice. For you Americans out there, that was what I imagined it was like to go to Coney Island. What a lovely little day. We walked along the bridge and saw a nice couple, this pale girl with this bearded man, they were sitting on the bench, talking about life. I took as many photos as I could and so did my mom, we strolled across, really taking our time. Absorbing everything we could. Maybe something snapped inside my parents like they realized how badly I wanted to go to the city uni and they realized that would mean I'm out of the house for 3 months at a time so maybe they thought to do something like this. I'm not sure. One small inconvenience I have with the city is that it's very crime filled, my dad was telling me about the crimes that take place there and at times, you feel so close to it. The whole cult university in my town was so bizarre, I've never been so close to such evil shit. I live in a bubble. My dad even asked me if I saw all the drug dealers and I said I hadn't noticed them. He then said, "the girl on the bench, the man with the beard" and then I realized, she was buying drugs from him. That was so odd to me, just the idea that I had walked past a drug dealer. I truly do live in a bubble. 

This is getting too long so I'll say there were two songs running through my head. On campus, Heroes and Villains by Brian Wilson and on the beach Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed. Listen to those.

Before I end it off, I wanna say, I was sad to go back home, you know when a day is so good and the car ride home feel empty. The fact that it's over just solidifies as the surroundings become more and more familiar to you. That's how I felt.

Anyway, I'm so tired, I must go to bed now. Good night! Thank you for reading and please wish me luck in getting accepted into this lovely university!

7 Kudos


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//CELPHINE'S's profile picture

you will get in!!

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