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Category: Life

Horrible parents

A little vent, I guess

Basically, I live with a pretty horrible mom. She's abusive and usually hits me if she gets too angry. I confessed to her that I almost killed myself but she got mad at me and said something like how I'm torturing her and stuff.

I also got a 1 hour lecture about how gambling relieves stress for her and how it isn't any different with me playing video games.

I kinda wish I could run away somewhere

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Reuben's profile picture

damn bro :( That really sucks and I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.

If you mom is okay with it and you or her have the funds for it, you should totally find a counselor or a therapist to talk to. If your mom isn't up for the idea however, don't push her cus it may make her more angry and something else bad could happen. If you are able to pay for it, then signing up for an online counselor could help. If that's not an option, then if things get really really bad then there are helplines out there that you can call or text to get you to a safer mindset.

There are also a ton of articles (and even pins on pinterest, tiktoks, etc.) on healthy coping skills and mechanisms. Be aware though, that there are a ton of UNhealthy coping mechanisms and skills out there, too. Just make sure you aren't doing anything you wouldn't tell one of you r best friends to do. I would also recommend making sure you get enough to eat and drink, as physical health plays a role in mental health and vice versa.

I know you said your mom is the one making things suck a lot, but a good mental space can help soften the blow when she does shitty things.

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I have a therapist and she talks to my mom about what she needs to improve but mom doesn't even take the advice seriously :(

by gott-ist-tot; ; Report