The Great Disconnect

I keep seeing people post questions asking if AI is going to destroy humanity.

I don't think so personally. I think it will lead up to a great migration away from the online space due to the absurd number of bots littering the internet right now. 

The dead internet theory as per wikipedia states that:

"The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation, minimising organic human activity to manipulate the population."

Now I don't believe we are at the dead internet theory point yet, but with the absurd level of bot traffic, including all those "pussy in bio" accounts plaguing the internet, as well as AI scraped music uptuned and tempo warped from original artists put into AI generated playlists, and played by bots to farm money from advertisers thereby devaluing ad revenue, and forcing more ads into our online spaces again.

But this kind of thing will certainly drive us towards that point quicker. We can combat this by following real people, artists, writers, and personalities, and keeping the bots at arms length through blocks, mutes, and showing each other websites that focus on real people. Kinda like here on Spacehey where bots have a harder time gaining any kind of traction.

If you know of any websites that are good for this kind of thing please drop them below. Even if we know them already it's worth having them listed in many places.

Please share your thoughts, I wanna know am I going mad, or is the internet becoming less useful to the general user as it stands.

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Gooper's profile picture

Super disheartening to see that almost all of the platforms I use are now full of bots or accounts following those get rich quick schemes with the short-form content,,,,, sucks but I also think all those AI posts are gonna kill themselves out? IDK how to explain this but just end up eating each others content over and over until its unrecognizable gibberish,, like when the snake eats its own tail,,,

Spots like Neocities are still pretty awesome,, tho I haven been on there in a while,, also pixiv but its all in japanese so I cant read anything they post LOLOL

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