What truly makes a Christian? Many people believe that the "works" of a Christian show them as a more authentic Christian. Because I serve in ministry, I attend church regularly, dress "modestly," and only listen to CCM, Christian Hip Hop, and Gospel. Those are the factors of an "Authentic Christian" and don't act out sexually. The only way that "Authentic Christians" interact with people who don't move as they do is simply to rebuke and talk at them and not truly see them. Their circles are pure Christian-only circles. To me, this type of Christian mimics that of a pharisee. Lacks understanding of the fruits of the spirit. The Fruits of the Spirit are so pure out of you that seeds are planted by you just being in a room with people who aren't echo chambers of your thoughts, but instead, people who are different. Luke Warm is thrown around so loosely that what it truly means to be lukewarm has faded away with religious dogma. To be Luke warm means that you don't change. You stay the same when impacting the people around you, bearing no fruit of the spirit. Nothing can grow from you because you would rather not impact anything. Luke Warm is not a description of someone who doesn't follow certain traditions that are not lukewarm. A passion I remember is Jesus talking about the sheep and goats. One was doing "works" from a place of tradition or to be seen as "good"; those are the goats. The sheep truly cared for people no matter their place and had a life that showed this not for status or credit but because the fruit was just in their life. So live a life that doesn't divide be instead plants seeds of fruits of the spirit don't be performative be truly sit at the feet of God and listen to how he shows you and leads you to be a true believer of the faith.
What makes a Christian
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