Film Fest 2024

In my area right now there is a huge film fest happening and it ends this week:( i went to my first screening during the fest today!! it was so much fun and i freaking love the movie theater!!! We watched 11 shorts and they were all so good??? The few that stuck out to me were these two talking about relationships with their families. One was about a dad struggling to accept the role of a dad and feeling like they are not capable of parenting, thinking about the different lives his kid could have if he went off the deep end. The one right after this really got me crying, it was another dad one, but on how the relationship of dad and son is. How brutal and blunt the grandfather was to the dad. Leading up to each of their deaths, this guy is just sweet talking home video footage of his dad while shit talking his grandad. Ugh i love documentary. If i get the names of the shorts (cus i forgot) i will put them in the comments. #longliveshortfilm

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NeverNcolor_13's profile picture

my favorite short is this 30 min korean one called the recorder exam. something about the actors just really makes me fucking sad and I tear up watching it. wow I might go watch it rn

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