18/04/24 - Tempestissimo by t+pazolite

Summary : Today I didn't make any work out. I occupied all day long to clean my very dirty, and rotting room to prepare moving on in some months. It's soon midnight and I'm too tired, but I consider that I didn't made "nothing" physically since I stayed up lifting objects, cleaning etc during hours and my legs hurt from it. I also didn't ate much at all compared to the other days, so I guess it's okay...

When I weighted myself this night (like I do 2/3 times a day), I got caught by my non changing weight and it of course (as most of the time) blew my mood (I had a tiring but good day, since I was with my friend, which is rare). But I'm used to it... So let's move on. I hope next days I'll be able to finish organizing this room etc, so I can spend time doing other stuff and getting motivated by my friend to work out again as I'm supposed to do every day (or night).

I'm feeling obviously guilty and bad for not doing it (especially after seeing the state of my weight but- yes, I know, I shouldn't think much of the results yet, even if it's hard, it's too soon yet-), but I'm physically and mentally too exhausted for this + everyone is asleep so I'll get caught and get criticized for this and I really don't want that since I'm so ashamed of this whole situation...

I'm going to sleep... Tomorrow is last school day before short holidays, it's reassuring me (even how much work I'll have to do, hah, it's better than going out everyday early and spend all my day at school, but anyway).

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