ive always been able to see weird things, and I've always called them ghosts. even if they aren't, that's what I'm telling myself anyways. none of them have ever really scared me because they cant interact with the physical world. but there's one who can, and honestly the first time he did it, I was little so I tried to convince myself it wasn't real. I was young and I was watching videos up late, I had a basket of markers, I looked over and I seen them slam down and sound like they were being touched?? and when I ran out of my room, my cable box flew forwards in front of me. that was over 10 years ago. but things have been happening to me again and I know its him. I see his face sometimes now. he covers his face up. he knocks my stuff over, he whispers, and he does little things tpo make me feel crazy. but yesterday, he did something I've never experienced. I was actually scared. and I seen him, and it was clear. I was sitting in my car for a smoke, and I turned my car on so I could turn on the heat, and for some reason it was dead? no lights were on, all doors were closed, etc etc. there was no reason for it, and its never happened before. when it didn't crank, yk the lights kinda flash, and when they did that, I looked up and he like jumped at me and I did a fucking horror movie type of scream. I don't know what to. I feel so insane. I don't know what he wants. I hate him. I don't want him, I'm scared.v he wants me. I feel like the universe does not want me in the world. they want me out. I don't know what it is but I can feel it. and they dont want me here. I'm n0t supposed to be hre
what's happening to me
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