Feeling so unmotivated to write anything and keep up which im not feeling guilty over but I was excited for writepril so it sucks to not even want to try.
2024 was supposed to be my year vro. 2023 literally chewed me up, spat me out, shit on me, set me on fire and then threw me into the middle of the ocean but I persevered. I want to keep that same energy I know im a strong girl and I can get through whatever trouble life throws at me but bruh. I used to joke around (half seriously) calling myself Maia “can’t catch a break” St. Germain. I don’t know if I manifested it for myself or if it was just in the cards for me anyways but when is the break my good brother. I can’t believe I took my cat to get fixed today and ended up spending 500 AND 87 DOLLARS for blood work and shit that wasn’t even her SPAY because they cancelled the surgery due to abnormalities in her blood panels. Not my little kitten :(
Seriously I will do anything just please God let her be okay. While im at it, my dad too please. Just protect all of the people I love. I need them here. And on top of it all - it was a beautiful sun-shining day outside today and I spent all of it in bed/napping (aside from my vet trip) because im just so exhausted from this life of mine. I think I like this little life. LOL. Anyways. I think that’s all I gots in me today. Just a lil stream of conch. Think I’m gonna make some buldak carbonara to feel something (and by feel something I mean my guts turning cuz it always fucks up my stomach).
Shoutout baby Kata and coco. I see those comments on my posts. I appreciate them. You guys are sweet. Coco if you’re seeing this - I can’t see your posts in my feed? I wanna reciprocate the love on your entries my darling <3
Okay take it easy my friends,
Mai mai
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MAIMAI im so happy to be chatting with u here in this space, it feels like we are in a pillow fort sharing secrets about the world that no one else will know. your heart is so big and open, i only wish i could create a dream catcher or web of sorts to filter out all the bad things
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1. before i forget: u have to go to cocos blog and hit subscribe to see the posts in the subscription feed , i dont think they come up even if ur friends bc u have to actually hit subscribe. anyway i love u and i see u
2. i know its a hard time for u rn just know im holding u safely in my heart. come over if u need 2 escape and forget abt life for a while (piano man lyric) u are always welcome in your entirety here