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"Precognition lacks in hindsight, we caught the illness back before the twilight."




ʉۢSiren (Blue-Ring Octopus)

ʉۢThey/Sun/Sea, Agender+Intersex

ʉۢAromantic Asexual

ʉۢSpeaks English, Arabic and minimal Hebrew

ʉۢVoice Claim; Will Wood (Will Wood and the Tapeworms)

 â€¢Saturn is mentally the oldest and most mature out of the Starcatchers, whilst technically being the last to have appeared on Tycho. Saturn was not supposed to have been on Tycho, and their reason for appearing is unknown even to Asteria and Gaea. (But if we're telling secrets, they're one of Scylla's sirens.)

ʉۢThey primarily reside inside of the Archives, though technically their designated place of which they belong is what resides underneath the surface of Tycho's ocean, or Apathy; the place from which Saturn supposedly formed.

 â€¢Saturn owns many clocks. They keep several on their person at all times, as well as having many scattered around the Archives. However, none of the clocks read the correct time, save for one which sits in place of their left eye. This clock was forcefully put into their eye by Asteria, and when uncovered, it causes Saturn to be subject to deeply disturbing prophetic visions. As a result of trying to avoid these visions, Saturn is rarely able to tell the proper time.

 â€¢Saturn is constantly doing one thing or another. They refuse to rest or take a break until they're physically forced to do so, and more often than not this means passing out due to physical and/or mental overexertion. 

ʉۢSaturn utilizes psychoactives such as LSD, Ayahuasca and DMT for many reasons, but mainly in order to either relax mentally or to reach the In-Between, or the void where Gaea resides, which can only be accessed through deep sleep, neurological alteration or death.

ʉۢSaturn exerts many capabilities of a real octopus, such as being able to camouflage due to chromatophores in their skin, colourblindness, as well as being able to flatten themself about as small as the clock in their eye. They also take in most of their information through their tentacles and hoard knowledge.

 â€¢Saturn is much harsher in their judgement of others than Seraph, as clearly seen with their rather harsh criticism of  Asteria.


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