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things i learn at my biomedical school thats sorta interesting!!! :O

i hate medical stuff and i mostly hate my science courses but i have learned some interesting stuff while i have been here!! here are some cool facts I have mentally stored that i think are sorta cool coming from someone who dislikes anything medical!

(also some of these are sorta not facts and just blabbering and some of it may not be exactly explained well bc.. im gonna be honest, im half asleep when im being taught this..)

how we have dept perception:

when light hits our eyes, entering through or cornea, it forms a little image on a thingy called the retina of our eye which is in the back. and apparently its upside down when we first see it. our brain flips it right side up and then using both of our eyes it makes a little 3D image, giving us some good depth perception! It's sorta cool cause I always think about how different the world looks when you close one eye and look around a bit.

why you get dehydrated when drinking:

basicallyyy alcohol effects this chemical-hormone-thing(?) called ADH which is made by this guy named the hypothalamus but released by our pituitary gland which is up in our brains. its like the little boss guy who runs stuff especially with hormones and what releases them. anyhow. this hormone controls, in short, how we pee. and when you drink, the increased levels of ADH make it so that you get more dehydrated and you can pee a lot more easier when your drunk. this is also why when you get a hangover you get a dry mouth, dehydration, etc etc. and having suppressed levels of ADH apparently also leads to electrolyte imbalances which makes it worse

What CMT does to your body:

CMT is Charcot Marie Tooth Disease which is a genetic disease that damages ur peripheral nervous system (basically everything BUT the central nervous system which is your spinal cord and brain, and it attached the CNS to all the different parts of ur body like organs, muscles etc) and in a short summary, damages the nerves mostly in your legs and feet. In normal feet, there is a balance in which your body uses muscles and tendons to absorb shock using the arch of your foot and give you balance. 

When you start to loose control over the muscles of your feet, some may get weaker and some muscles may pull a bit too much at the bones + tendons in your feet and cause a higher arch. Thats why people with this disease have trouble walking and maintaining balance after a while

How to remember parts of your brain:

I had to memorize the parts of the brain and their functions PLUS all the bones in your body and I can barely remember what I ate yesterday. Basically I make silly rhymes and physical notes to recite during the test!! :)

1. occipital lobe - sorta looks like "occiput" which means *im pretty sure but im still learning latin* the back of the head or the lower part of your skull. Also the word "ocular" like "binoculars". Easier way to remember, touch the back of your head and think of what is on the opposite side (your eyes!)

2. amygdala - august d made a song about this *LISTEN TO IT!* but if you rather not bless your ears and mind with an amazing peice by one of the best soloists in kpop, I remember it also by thinking "amy is emotional" (dont judge okay.. the word is just wonky) because this part of your brain helps process emotions (mostly fear), fight or flight and other emotional memories

3. temporal lobe - near your temples, responsible for hearing! Touch your ears and then your temple, easy!

4. broca's area - "bro can never shut up" easy peasy! Speech production. Don't judge me seriously I refuse to flunk out of this class

5. hippocampus  - "hippos never forget" not very correct but it got the job done. Now that I know hippos aren't good at remembering, this works less so i'm gonna pretend they have amazing memory like crows or smth

The reality of colors

when we look at things, theres a good chance that we all see different shades of the same color. 

I asked my teacher and apparently its very possible that when we see color we aren't all seeing the same shade, but theres such a little difference nobody can tell or atleast care. When we see color, we are seeing all the color that the thing doesn't absorb. So a red apple is absorbing all the colors but red. Color basically isn't a thing. I used to think "Well whats the actual color of objects then?" But I think things actually don't have a color, it's just what it reflects. Color is "real" but it doesn't exist as an inherent property of an item, it's just what we see.

So that means black is actually just absorbing all the visible wavelengths of colors and white absorbs none of them!

And since our eyes aren't all perfect but good enough to not be colorblind, theres a good chance that the shade of red I see is not the same shade as someone else. I think that may be why the whole debate that happened with the grey dress or the blue dress (my memory is bad, sorry) happened! Just a theory tho..

Thats all I have right now, im tired and I have to think about doing my homework but never do it! :) hopefully you learned something new or just enjoyed this information blabber!

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