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Category: Life

Binging too much just doesn't feel good anymore

I use to binge eat a lot throughout my life. Especially whenever I go out and eat I need to make sure that I am always stuffed like to the point I couldn't stand up and I need to shit. 

But now that I'm in college, I need to budget my food so now, I don't binge like every night like before so I just eat a little over once my stomach is full. 

I've been a vegetarian for 3 weeks now because i just wanted some discipline and mostly the vegetable foods are cheaper then I decided to break my streak because I felt like it. I ate chickens and more and I felt stuffed and I felt like pooping and I couldn't stand up. I regret it in the end. I did not feel satisfied in the end because in the end, it just hurts. My stomach hurts I was having heart burns and its just uncomfortable. 

that's when I thought about how this isn't fun anymore. Food just feels better if it doesn't hurt you right after. Food tastes better when you feel satisfied in the end because you ate just enough to make you feel just full. binging just hurts you and it makes you regret the amount of money you spent on a lot of food. 

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