Oh my goodness I despise it with a passion. My statistics teacher from highschool needs a nobel peace prize for she managed to turn the nth circle of hell into heaven, easiest class ever. But college? It is the only class I have to invest time and energy in (oh no). And the wording--god the wording. I feel illiterate, unintelligent, useless, as I rack my brain trying to understand the simplest of concepts and terms. These concepts, though, are worded using the most jargon possible, as if there were a word quota to fill. It is purely to fill the white space of the laminated textbook. When taught with spoken word, statistics is quite easy to understand, as (good) teacher's dont speak as if they're reading from the textbook, but speaking in a way that can be comprehended. I hate it. Statistics is going to render me into a statistic. What is the probability I crash out, given at least half my day is spent on a handful of problems....
Anyways it's ok it's alright I'll either drop the class again or undergo major character development and learn to accept less than perfection

I Hate Statistics
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