Trying New Methods

I used to start off my days without caring about my well-being. i now realize that this behavior can be the most detrimental to myself and the people around me. So due to these circumstances, i decided to take a break from my phone and other social medias overall. I do hope to get back online to continue designing and planning out my friend and I's business and get back to talking with the people i hold dearest to me.

The ultimate reason I decided I wanted to take a break is because I had an appointment yesterday with a pediatrician and it definitely did something to my mental health. I just have a tendency to destroy myself and I simply cannot break the pattern. I miss my friends and the comfort of feeling like i belong somewhere. 

I hope this new thing brings me more happiness than dullness in the near future. I want to get better for my friends and family to see me not drowning. 

To everyone that's stuck with me throughout the years. I deeply and sincerely hope you are doing well at the moment and I hope the love you deserve eventually comes to you the same way you've given the love to everyone and everything else in life. It's not easy and it most definitely isn't always rewarded. It all starts in the mind. 

I am trying my best at the moment to refresh my mind and the way I see my life internally for the goodness and well-being of myself and others.

Although my routine isn't the best at the moment, I am most definitely trying my hardest and I hope to make better progress internally than externally. If you read this entire thing I just wanna say thankyou so much for being here. not just here reading this blog, but thank you for being a part of YOUR everyday life and everyone else's lives.

3 Kudos


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rich zombie

rich zombie's profile picture

i miss you dearly bff :( hope u heal faster <3

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we can call in maybe 12 hrs! i have a zoom meeting in the morning :,)

by Jaded Jolie; ; Report